The Skeptic's Annotated Bible

Not a very accurate one. I'm quite sure the translation used here for the Old Testament was the King James one, which most scholars agree is not particularly accurate.
coolsnow7 said:
Not a very accurate one. I'm quite sure the translation used here for the Old Testament was the King James one, which most scholars agree is not particularly accurate.

there is also the italics to consider. for instance, the passage I'm randomnly quoted reads thus: "Therefore he smote it; and all the women therein that were with child were ripped up." -2 kg 15:16

I'm inclined to think a localised adaptation has been made. But I'm not sure. If I had any knowledge of the Bible then I should be able to scrutinize the passage for authenticity, but my knowledge of the bible is limited to a few images of horses and locusts. I'm pretty sure there are no copies of the book in question in my home.