The Soilwork show

J the TyranT

Thats just how it is...
Dec 14, 2001
Fucking rocked... as I had assumed it would. Steve, heard you already made it out to one of their shows or somethin'... pretty coo'. Im gonna try to catch them again in Austin, if possible.

EVERYBODY should try to make it out to the remaining shows... cuz Soilwork rocks, and Hypocrisy did a good job too. Cant say I caught the openers, cuz I was too busy BSing with Soilwork the majority of the night... but, good shit.

Yeah going to check them out pretty soon myself here in california. Well I hope they fucking kick ass! I'm sure they will, but I just hope the overall sound is going to be good.

I fucking hate it when I go to a show and you can't here the drums! It just angers me when they sound mufled especially the bass drums. Drums are like the foundation of the music, and if there to low in the mix then the sound in general sounds awful!

So hopefully this won't be the issue when I go to this upcoming Hypocrisy/Soilwork show.
The sound here sucked, but, no fault of their own. They played a shitty venue, so, cant fault them for the club's speakers being all blown and haggard. It was still a good show though, so.. yeah! heh.

Hey was Peter from Hypocrisy drunk through-out his performance or was he sober?

I heard Peter has been showing up hammered on the shows they have been playing.