The stairs at Earthlink


Forum Goddess
Feb 11, 2002
San Jose, CA
Anyone else eat it off the bottom steps going down to the floor? I know of half a dozen people who did, including myself, & my already-very-bad knees are totally hosed now thanks to the tumble. Glenn, is there any way you can suggest to the venue that they at least throw down some glow-in-the-dark tape along the edges so folks can see the steps? Or would it be more effective if we contacted them ourselves? That one wide step right near the bottom on the two center stairways (the ones on either side of the sound board) is lethal in the dark..I'm surprised no one's been seriously hurt falling off those things.

Other than that..what a kickass weekend, as always! It was a blast hanging out with the folks I spent time with, & was awesome to meet all the new people that I met this year! And it was definitely nice to be able to buy Glenn a drink this year, even if he only sat still for about 5 minutes before he was off and running again..hehe!
I agree, something needs to be done about those steps! I think lights of some kind would just be a distraction, so I really like your idea of glow in the dark tape! You're right about the wider step being the killer - you think you've got the hang of it then all of a sudden *WHAP* your face is on the floor! Not a whole lot of fun for us girls that wear super tall-healed boots to see over the crowd. I can manage steps, but those are wicked..

I had on some high heels one of the nights and I looked at those stairs and, am i going to make it without help....well, i bit is on the last one and fell into the guy who worked there.... glow in the dark tape is a great idea.
I agree. It was a lot easier to navigate the stairs in the total darkness backstage because of the white tape than it was out on the floor.

I would suggest that everyone checkout the venue website ( to find an e-mail address to send these suggestions to.

I also had trouble with the stairs. On Saturday night, I thought I was on the floor but I was actually on the last step. I tripped and someone caught me. My much to my surprise, it was fav singer and knight in shining armor, Andy Kuntz!
Ah Jaxita - you're just getting old!!!

Running for my life now....

If it makes you feel better chick, Debbie clocked me a good one in the head with her crutch when I led her all over Hollahan's (not to be confused w/ the restaurant) barn trying to get down from the top seating area. I took her all the way down to the bottom near the stage and back up the stairs when there was a closer shortcut.
I'm the one that left two really deep imprints of my knee's at the bottom of the stairs on the left side. Felt it all the way to the top of my head when I hit. I'll be sending the venue a note.

For those of you that saw me bite it....thanks for not laughing.
I'd much prefer a simple line of reflective tape rather than lights. I'd rather have nothing and brave it before having lights on the stairs interfer with the atmosphere of the arena. Maybe I'm crazy ;) The tube-lighting.. good idea, but it would probably shift out of place and trip up people on the stairs (like me, I'd totally bite the dust on it, as visible as it'd be).. Anyone agree that something other than lighting would be great? Am I the only one who gets irritated with track lighting in arenas, theaters, and the likes?

I didn't really have a problem with them, except my leg was in a boot (more like a cast) and I had to go up them on all fours and down on my butt. It probably looked funny, but it worked.

I was constantly taking tiny steps with my foot to explore the ground in front of me to see if there was a step there or not. It sucked wondering if you were going to fall on your ass or not.

They ought to put lighting in the steps just like at movie theaters. I wonder how much that would cost and how long it would take?