Stairs: Lights Or Reflective Tape This Year?

Hey, I'm all for reflective tape on the stairs. I don't drink during the show, but I'm usually 1) wearing heels and 2) running from one side of the venue to the other trying to take pictures. Even if I weren't doing any of that stuff, I still want to see where I'm going. :)

BenMech said:
FYI: the stairs are no problem if you are sober


I luv ya lil buddy, but I'm sober and in sneakers and the damn blacked out stairs still have made me trip and fall every year. I can't stand for the entire set of a show, but I'm terrified sometimes to climb the stairs tro try and find a seat.

jaimek said:
Part of it is that the stairs are so short - they're totally out of natural stride length for most people.

A friend used to own a townhome with steps like this. My first trip down, I hit the first step OK, then after the second step, slid the rest of the way to the bottom on my ass. Fortunately, no major injuries – except to my dignity. :blush:

Count me in as a volunteer for the reflective tape-laying efforts!
If by some chance we still don't get this stair issue resolved again this year, here is what I've done the last two years.....I come and go from the side stairs and doors as much as possible. The stairs on the sides of the floor get some light from the stage and they are like regular stairs as far as width and spacing. I don't think I took the stairs by the sound board once last year....not even when the lights were up.
kellsco said:
If by some chance we still don't get this stair issue resolved again this year, here is what I've done the last two years.....I come and go from the side stairs and doors as much as possible. The stairs on the sides of the floor get some light from the stage and they are like regular stairs as far as width and spacing. I don't think I took the stairs by the sound board once last year....not even when the lights were up.

Not only that, but you don't have people sitting on those stairs.
I am not even talking about the stairs opposite the stage. I'm talking about the stairs to the left and right of the stage where if you lose your footing you will fall under the stahe. Those stairs are lethal in the dark.

I have pointed this thread out to the venue management. I have been told they will do something this year. Of course, I was told that last year as well.

If I get there on Thursday and find that it is not fixed, I will check to see if they will allow volunteers to put the tape down.

Glenn H.
Harvester said:

I have pointed this thread out to the venue management. I have been told they will do something this year. Of course, I was told that last year as well.

If I get there on Thursday and find that it is not fixed, I will check to see if they will allow volunteers to put the tape down.

Glenn H.

And this is why you Glenn...are DA MAN! THanks...I know alot of us appreciate your hard efforts. IT's why we keep coming back year after year after year! ALL HAIL GLENN!

Coldie :notworthy

And Ben.....sorry, but I've never touched a drop at PPUSA and I've tripped on those stairs. The problem is that the stair intervals and widths are irregular. Someone unfamiliar with them can easily trip, and even those who have used them can forget where the longer stairs are.

I'm proud to say that I've been trip-free for two years now, and deserve some sort of chip, a badge or a medal. :D
kellsco said:
shhhhh......they will hear you.....don't wanna jinx yourself...:ill:

THe stairs are EVIL! EEEEEVILLLE I tell you. What Kellsco said.....ssshhhhh do not wake them and incur their wrath...for they will rise up and trip yo ass somthin fierce!

Coldie.....I'm bringing an offering to the stairs this year.
Matt Crooks said:
I drink at the show, and I've never fallen... I think you sober people have it backwards!


Do you ever actually go down to the floor, though? I'm not sure I've EVER seen you anywhere in that venue except parked at one of the bars. :kickass:
The first year we went I took a tumble on those stairs. (I wasn't feeling much pain though :hypno: ) Since then, I try to let my eyes adjust a bit when walking in the venue from the lobby. Then baby steps down to the floor. I don't ever want to waste a beer like that again. :p