The Stone

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
The Stone is a grim/nasty black metal band from Serbia. The instrumentation, vocals, and songs are WAY better than you'd expect (for never hearing about the band). I thought some of you might be a little interested.

The guy I got mine from has the same album up for sale here:

It is highly recommended by me. The all knowing one.
Uhh, this is one of them band that I've been kinda avoiding, thinking they would be another of the 293849023849071809578947584113284728914789237498072089417 Darkthrone clones out there...
They're not a Darkthrone clone. They use more complex riffs and song arrangements and the production is better. I wouldn't call them essential, but they were worth the $6 I paid.
Quick thread jack: Although I said I'm laying low on BM these days, I did listen to NB's Zirindu-Sa this morning whilst in the shower.\m/. I forgot how brilliant it is, but there is a 30-second moment in track 4 with some 70's voice synths that made me feel like I was in Studio 54 wearing rollerskates! They come out of nowhere! We need to get a review for that & Wiccan Rede done. *cough* NAD & BWD *cough*

Yeah, so anyway, The, yeah...I've heard good things...
I've only recently been able to listen to much BM out here in California. It's just sunny all the damn time. It's hard to get in the mood when you see some blonde college girl go running by with the titties nearly fully exposed and the ass cheeks haning halfway out her skimpy shorts.

BUT . . . severl CD's I've recently come across are starting to get me past all the adulterous thoughts. Have I mentioned the new Frost is just AMAZING.
I avoid adulterous thoughts by playing Power Metal. On the way to Starbucks this morning, I was listening to Gamma Ray sing songs about overcoming the tyranny of an alien menace called the "Illuminati". I felt rather asexual.
Actually, I am preparing our next upload for the Church of Royal Carnage. We've got a whole bunch of new & exciting stuff!!! You might even urinate in glee while kicking your dick into your tits.