The story's over...

She's lying. It's a n00b cloning her account and posing as her.

Hey Metal!

Glad to see you are still out there. Hadn't heard anything from you for a while.

But how dare you post something about "good stories involving shell orgies and closing tattoo parlors" and then leave us hanging! :lol:

I hope everything is settling down well for you.
I was just thinking about you the other day! I guess I'm gonna have to cruise your myspace profile and see what you've been up to.

Hope all is well!
Rick Pierpont said:
Hey Metal!

Glad to see you are still out there. Hadn't heard anything from you for a while.

But how dare you post something about "good stories involving shell orgies and closing tattoo parlors" and then leave us hanging! :lol:

I hope everything is settling down well for you.

Things settling down for me? Ha! Nah, I like living the crazy life, makes better stories.

I keep meaning to get to see you guys play and I have every intention of making it down... but you know how things just happen. One of these days I'll surprise you and just show up!

Or you could play up here! :)
