The "Thrash Metal Revival" and other weirdness


Lord of the Whisky
Sep 21, 2002
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I know there's been some mention and discussion about how thrash is, for various reasons, getting a lot of attention again. But it seems to be getting fairly ridiculous. See anecdote:

So I'm the record store not too far from me house, and as a whole they're not a bad place. I usually like to scour the used section (it's where I picked up Sabbat "Karisma" et al.) and the girl I always see working the counter is the usual pseudo-punk, heavily emo-d out bright red-and-black speckled hair lameness. And now, somehow, she's into thrash. And I know this isn't some hidden musical taste on her part. The employees always put up a list of "Current Playlists" and hers have consistently been just shitfest in descending colonic order. And her most recent list? Slayer, Dekapitator, Motorhead, and Municipal Waste.

What is cause? How did mallcore audiences suddenly lash onto thrash? Was it Shadows Fall dropping nods towards Slayer and Metallica, the whole "Get Thrashed" movie which has only been shown in four theatres and will likely never make it to DVD? :loco:
Surely not "MY" tattoos?

Fuck this stupid sports I have to go tonight for not having any good beer on tap.

But, they have Jameson, so not all is lost.
Yeah tattoos are fine. Just felt like including the next proper line.

I hate seeing faux-fans of any genres, the pretenders that don't know shit, and frankly don't care either, about said genre. It's almost as bad as wearing Judas Priest shirts in mock fashion. Almost.
Lately it seems the real fashion is to be ironically out of fashion musically, cinematically, etc. I think it's too much effort for people to actually develope tastes of their own or branch into new waters, so they rely on nostalgia and being ironic to avoid actually having to admit to being completely without personality.
Ye have a valid point, Jerry. I mean, I'm in the heart of a city built around a University, most of the apartments (including the one I live in) are pretty much off campus dorms. Maybe it's just more apparent in this locale.
Lately it seems the real fashion is to be ironically out of fashion musically, cinematically, etc. I think it's too much effort for people to actually develope tastes of their own or branch into new waters, so they rely on nostalgia and being ironic to avoid actually having to admit to being completely without personality.

It's true. Just look at me. If it were up to me I'd get everyone to wear 1920s-1930s style suits again.