The track "Från Materia Till Ande"


Nov 7, 2002
Malmo, Sweden
Whatever happened to this song?
Wasn´t it supposed to appear on "The Focusing Blur"? I somewhat sob due to the fact that there are no swedish titles at all on the tracklist... But I'm sure it'll be a killer anyway!
it's a nice track that at the moment just lie in a box..hehehe have to wait until it's properity comes.

mr V
it's alot of different types of songs...I also have a banner that I do very different kind of music under called "Frequencies" it's kind of a forum where I dump songs that doesn't fit in any other concept and band, but I don't know if I ever will release something from that, it's so divided.

mr V
Vintersorg>>>>>> Does it mean that you still gonna keep giving out and write swedish songs in the future???
As stated the new album will be totally in English as it's a concept album with a story running from track 1 to the end, so mixing language would leave vast gaps with essential info to understand the album. But the album after that one we'll do the mix again....have already written some songs to that one and some are in Swedish.

mr V
Originally posted by Vintersorg
As stated the new album will be totally in English as it's a concept album with a story running from track 1 to the end, so mixing language would leave vast gaps with essential info to understand the album. But the album after that one we'll do the mix again....have already written some songs to that one and some are in Swedish.

mr V

sounds greate :D