The TRUE and SPINE-CHILLING story of the OUIFf´s glory days.

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Nov 26, 2002
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Well, the time has come, my friends, for me to dispel all questions and doubts that may have seeped into your minds. What I am talking about, of course, are the glory days of the OUIFf, when the shackles of tyranny were still lurking in the shadows of the forum. I will also give true accounts of when the forum became an oppressive police-forum, governed by an intimidating fascist regime. All in due time, though, as our story begins when beautiful and wonderful person [Sic] first signed up to the community.

[Sic] entered the forum with the noblest of intentions, beginning his career with a friendly "Hello! How is everyone? I am new here, I hope you don´t mind me joining you in some fantastic discussions and enlightening conversations."
Several days passed without a response, with [Sic] beginning to wonder if they welcomed new posters at all. Then one fateful evening he had gotten a reply. It read: " What did you say? Fanttascist dicssussiones and enlithnin convorsetssions? What is that? This is an In Flames-forum! In Flames rulzzzzz!!!"
Filled with glee, [Sic] replied courteously: "Yes, I do agree, In Flames are indeed a good band (though I prefer their records before ´Colony´). Actually, I didn´t say that I hoped we would have fruitful discussions and such, I wrote it.;) "
A regular poster responded: "FuuuuuuuuuuuUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCcccccccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkk UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, (()))[[[8 SssiKKcccKK]]88]]))}{!!!!!!!! You suck so much n U shoudl die horrrrribly in hell! Fukk, was that a joke I saw in ur post????! Huh??! Was it??? U will pay for this."
Apparently outraged over the little funny remark that [Sic] had made, a moderator came to the rescue: "Sic is pain in butt. He go boom-boom n bang-pang when kicked. [Sic] get will be banned now doing for this joke. What are joke, way the by?...are infamiliar with that word."

And so endeth the first part of this mind-boggling epic tale, with the banning of [Sic].

Depressed and utterly beaten into oblivion by the fact that they (the OUIFf-er moderators) had banished him from the board, he sought refuge at an alternative community. Enter Ultimate Metal and the truly marvelous people of the Dark Tranquillity-board. They more or less welcomed [Sic] with open arms and friendly responses. Little did [Sic] know, though, that the OUIFf-ers had infiltrated the D.T.-forum long before he had arrived there and cast insults in his general direction almost immediately he had signed up. This too - that there where OUIFf-ers on the D.T.-board - would call [Sic]´s attention towards the fact that the OUIFf-ers had lifted the ban and now opened the gates to his former home on the Internet for him. This was due to the courageous and noble woman which they call Episode666. She had fought for [Sic]´s rights and done so most brilliantly, for she had swayed the supreme chief in charge to allow [Sic] to post once again. Now everyone was happy and gay at the OUIFf, for the golden days were upon them, and radiant light shone as far the eye could see, because the prodigal son had now returned. Lo, [Sic] had come back!
He enjoyed much praise this time around and received many compliments and was sung of in the sacred gospels of the OUIFf. But this period of elation would soon come to crumble, for in the shadows hid the master-wankers, those who could not tolerate [Sic]´s rise to fame. In the end they had managed to corrupt the mind of the once so righteous and true Episode666. They persuaded her with american In Flamsical logic, tricked her with childish macho mind-games, and at long last they had succeeded in their scheme: to steal her sense of humour and rob her of her most prized ability, namely, the ability to not take everything with the gravest of seriousness.
So, they waited for [Sic] to tell a joke. Yay, for this was his weakness and their most hated action (even though they could not grasp the concept of a joke) of all. ´Twas a battle of epic proportions. With razor-sharp reasoning [Sic] tried to show them the errors of their ways, and contributed with many illuminating arguments to why he should be allowed to stay at the board. The overlords wouldn´t have any of it, though, and so, [Sic] was banned for all eternity. For the second time.

Now, many a OUIFf-er will say to you that this is not true, that I have fabricated some, if not all, of it. You should do best in not paying attention to these troublemakers, though, for they only seek the demise and passing of [Sic].
I hope this report of what transpired at the Official Unofficial In Flames-forum has been helpful to you, dear reader. If you have any questions, please direct them hither to me, as I am the authority in OUIFf-lore and mythology.

(please excuse the length of this post, it was neccessary to reveal as much details as possible)
@u[sic]m: i admit i might have misjudged you at first. the fact that you posted a new pointless thread of mind-boggling idiocy every other day played a considerable part in my assuming you were a mind-boggling idiot.
now i know you like to joke quite often and you're keen on trying to get attention. this is all very well and i respect your attitude.
that's when there's a "but".
but you shouldn't go on talking about the in flames board, for once because it gets boring, and secondarily because it feeds the flames. furthermore, ppl are going to think there is some deep bond between this forum and the one you mentioned, which is not the case. your tale was funny, obviously made up, and perfectly understandable on the part of someone who got banned. if you want this can be deemed the "official unofficial in flames forum thread" and you can debate your mishaps here at will. what i ask you is to refrain from becoming so single-minded that everything you say has to do with what happened there. you can't think about that board all day long. if you do you need help. ;)

Yes, I understand that, which is why I have not mentioned it (the OUIFf) in a long time (nor would I wish to mention it). However, recent events (i.e. the last couple of posts on the EMOTICONS are stoopid-thread) forced me to set the record straight.
Hi, everyone! I'm Reno, (evil/vile/nasty/despicable/loathsome/pick one) dictator of the OUIFF, just checking in to set my side of the story straight when it comes to this [Sic] chap.

Ok, first of all, I want to publicly THANK [Sic] for all the free publicity he has given us via this forum and the Swedish Metal forum. He's done more for us banned than he could ever do for us while still there.

Secondly. His account of the events over there are awfully one sided. See, he makes it out that he was somehow a courageous freedom fighter, standing up against the evil and oppressive dictators of his land, when in fact almost from the start, he was a troublemaker. Did some of our mods and forum members treat him shitty? Yes. Did some of them get into my ear early and have me ban him? Yes. Make no mistake, it was I who banned you, [Sic]. Nobody else at HMAS forums has the ability to ban except me (and now Epi and Squeak, since they are admins). Epi didn't at the time, because she hadn't agreed to be a moderator, yet. After your banning, we had a reorganization of the way the moderator structure was at the forum. Some mods were stripped and new ones appointed, including Epi and Emil Landin. Most people were cool about the decision, some were less than thrilled, but at least kept their traps shut about it for the most part. Epi, as a new mod, saw that you were given the shaft and I was even beginning to feel bad about banning you, so she talked to me and convinced me to unban you. When I did, I took a LOT of shit for that, but the decision stood. You came back in and I'll admit you did start to discuss intelligently with the rest of the forum denizens. However, then you posted the fake story about In Flames which pissed some people off, so it was removed. not by me, but by the mods. Fine. I give my mods the power of final word. In other words, their say is el finito and I don't debate it. Then you began with the public whining that got you banned.

Lest I begin to mention the time that you *demanded* that resign the forum over to you, for which I should have banned your ass, immediately, to begin with.

Anyway, that's pretty much my side of the events. Was [Sic] in the wrong? Was I in the wrong? Most likely the truth is probably somewhere in between, but hey, we're humans (I think). We're fallible and shit happens. We have gotten over you over at the IF forum, however, from perusing your posts over here and seeing your frequent mentions of "the OUIFF" ( Hell, seven threads!), it seems you haven't. Hey, that's cool. Keep mentioning us, we need all the publicity we can get ;)

Sorry to clog up your board's, rahvin, this will most likely be the only time I'll be doing it, here.

Take care all (yes, [Sic], even you) and thanks for hearing me out.
@reno: it was clear his story was a fake, i'm not sure u[sic]m ever tries to be taken seriously anymore from those who know him. ;)you see, i'm happy for the publicity you get (and by all means keep on clogging up our board, inject some life in it, it's not as if i want everybody to just come here bringing flowers :) ) but i also understand perfectly how different boards have different needs/rules and sometimes different behaviours on the part of the very same users. that's why i would never pass easy judgement on what happened somewhere else.
if i ever were to ban someone, however, i would certainly like to brush off the feelings some might have that i'm some sort of tyrant, so i think i can relate.

@nicktheclayman: i'm not stopping it because i don't stop all that's pointless. i tend not to stop anything unless it really gets overboard and it's done on purpose. i think u[sic]m, as long as he doesn't abuse any other thread with this topic anymore, has the right to vent about what makes him pissed off. after all, if someone started a thread about some shit going on in his life or other, we wouldn't exactly just tell him to stfu, right?
i agree that this thread and many of u[sic]m posts don't really add anything to something the ppl here care to discuss, but i'm not exactly posting lyrical analyses every day either, so i feel like i don't want to risk suffocating free expression on the grounds that it's superfluous.
don't worry: i mean to have rules respected as always, so there won't be a repeat of this. :)

edit: i'd also like to add for the knowledge of everyone reading that my leaving this open does not mean it's now ok to post three new "personal shit" threads a day. this is still not going to turn into the off-topic section of the opeth board (with due respect to a forum i occasionally read and appreciate).

Im ok mark, a bit bored, but no real complaints :D.

@Rahvin, that is true, but we already have a thread for this. Its not like this is isolated or anything, he has posted alot of stupid crap on the forum. I dont think you should ban everything that is posted, but I mean fuck, enough is enough.

Originally posted by NicktheClayman
@Rahvin, that is true, but we already have a thread for this. Its not like this is isolated or anything, he has posted alot of stupid crap on the forum. I dont think you should ban everything that is posted, but I mean fuck, enough is enough.

that other thread is somewhere out of immediate reach, and we also have 3 "damage done is so good!" threads in the first/second page that should be merged. on the other hand, forum activity is kinda relaxed, and each new thread by u[sic]m instantly gets controversial, thus making it more difficult for me to choose deletion or merging without feeling like i'm prejudicing people's need to be seen and heard.
all those who think this is really useless, just let it sink. and yes, now i think that's enough. stupid crap will be kept under control.

Originally posted by NicktheClayman
And Im sorry but my 92nd post, and smilies suck alot are realyl bringing down this forum, its stupid shit like that that makes degrates the intelligence level here.

i understand, and i can't but repeat myself: we're not going to accept one of those every day. i'm just willing to tolerate the occasional stupidity because, well, next thing i'll be deciding what's genius and what's dumb, and i don't want that (nor do you, you inferior subhuman beings :p).
plus, there's the fact a lot of ppl keep those threads on top through flames at u[sic]m and stuff. it's not his "emoticons suck" thread's fault if users then start to dissect his doings since day one. and if one of the regulars had posted on such a topic you have to admit the thing would have gone unnoticed - with fewer complaints, fewer replies, etc.

unfarkinbelievable that this might be over farking emoticons/smiley use (misuse? non-use?).

whether or not U[Sic]M and Mattias want to use them is their perogative. however, i think it's unfair and downright arrogant of them to (sometimes) belittle those who have opted to use them. now, i realize that i did not care much for the image/animated smilies at first (ezboard) either. but i adapted to them because i find them useful to HELP convey certain feelings or other concepts.

and yes, i will concede that emoticons (smilies) can sometimes have two meanings, just like words, right? :) so i might suggest (if allowed), that imho, they re-evaluate their tr00 blue superior selves - or whatever they call it - and consider the needs of the many, not of the few! heh =) lest they be considered...well... :loco: ODDBALLS!

well...unless, of course, they like that sort of thing. ??? :err: some people do, right? :lol: ;-)


-rh (when in Rome? :) yes, |ng, godz bless the Italians!)
Okay, I will answer replies in due time and turn. I would just like to state - for the record, that is, I might add - that, like I wrote in the "EMOTICONS are CRAP and SHIT"-thread (and, by the way, I do not belittle those who opt to use smilies and such internet paraphernalia, I would never do something like that), I would post a run-down of the events in question. It was not like "OOOOooooooooooooh, I must post something about the OUIFf, because I´m obsessing about them in all kinds of repressed Freudian ways!". There had been inquiries to the inner drama of the OUIFf (whilst I was still there), in the above mentioned thread. I just thought I´d like to be helpful. I didn´t think I would get senselessly flamed like this!:cry::cry::cry:

Reno: First, DAMMIT! That thread was a mofo joke! Here is my account of what happened:
[Sic] posts thread called "Why I should become moderator here.".
[Sic] posts a 4-sentence disclaimer, warning sensitive OUIFf-ers of its comical content (because [Sic] knows OUIFf-ers are intrinsically oblivious to irony, satire etc) at the very top of the post.
Several OUIFf-ers respond as if they know it´s not to be taken seriously (amongst others Episode666, Queen o´ da Modpeeps).
Enter Squeak and Gums, Gums obviously jealous of [Sic] because of [Sic]´s refined sense of humour which does not involve taking pictures of his rectum, showing it to other posters and expecting to be crowned supreme master of comedy.
Gums creates thread "Fuck, shit, shit SHiTT, Fiukkcc, Shitt, FFFucckkk, I hate )[Siicck][)), moderators do sumthingh aboot him!".
Squeak proceeds to remove [Sic]´s thread on the basis of it being...well, I don´t know...obviously extremely insulting or something like that (mind you, that´s with the comedy-disclaimer intact).
[Sic] creates serious thread, trying to reason with the mods.
And the following is my guess as to what happened after that: Squeak informs Reno that [Sic] has created a thread where he demands the forum and the whole community of HMAS be handed over to him and that she removed said thread, without mentioning a certain dislaimer. Obviously, it is very important for OUIFf-ers to know when a joke is being told (and some of them won´t even get it if you spell it out). Yeah, and [Sic] got banned after that, but that, we already know.
Yeah, and I can´t access those links, Reno. Fix it.
A whole seven threads of my odd 150 I´ve mentioned the OUIFf? WOW, THAT`S REALLY OBSESSING AND NOT LETTING GO! (insert: Dear OUIFf-ers, this last sentence was an ironic/sarcastic statement)
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