The Two Towers


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
I'm not complaining about the extra 43 minutes that the special edition DVD comes with (across 4 discs overall), but where the hell is the 10 minute trailer for Return of the King??

That trailer appears on the cheap theatrical release, but they couldn't squeeze it into the 4 disc version somewhere? What the fuck? I even waited for this special release with anticipation of seeing the trailer....! What do I do now, download the mother?

Shocking. :mad:
I dream about that trailer some times.

And I'm actually pretty disappointed with the lack there of as well.
I will say this though... the 43 minutes of extra footage... great. :)
It's incentive for suckers like me to buy both.

Speaking of the extra stuff on the new dvds, I found a couple of the 'new' scenes to in fact be quite essential. One, Gandalf telling Aragorn that it is completely unfathomable to the enemy that they would destroy the ring and that Frodo's quest is a secret. Now those familiar with the books of course understood this, but others didn't. Also, I found it important to establish that Aragorn is eighty something years old, raised in Rivendell, and of the Dunedain.

Oh yeah, hearing Jackson's waffling commentary during unacceptable scenes like Faramir taking Frodo to Osgiliath and Frodo subsequently showing the one ring to the Nazgul (!!!!!) was rather amusing, if not still frustrating.

I have a feeling that im going to regret waiting to buy all of them at once ( i did shamelessly copt them already though.) Theres probably going to be some extravagant 25 disk collectors addition with 16 alternate endings and 72 hours of additional footage. Okay, maybe thats a little overkill....
I'm glad they added little segments back in - like the use of the Elven rope and how it unties itself. And if you're unfamiliar with the books, you would only know about Galadriel's gifts if you saw the extended version of the Fellowship!

So I guess I'll rent the regular version just for the trailer. I've not seen a single second of footage from the third installment yet...
bloodfiredeath said:
It's incentive for suckers like me to buy both.

Speaking of the extra stuff on the new dvds, I found a couple of the 'new' scenes to in fact be quite essential. One, Gandalf telling Aragorn that it is completely unfathomable to the enemy that they would destroy the ring and that Frodo's quest is a secret. Now those familiar with the books of course understood this, but others didn't. Also, I found it important to establish that Aragorn is eighty something years old, raised in Rivendell, and of the Dunedain.

Oh yeah, hearing Jackson's waffling commentary during unacceptable scenes like Faramir taking Frodo to Osgiliath and Frodo subsequently showing the one ring to the Nazgul (!!!!!) was rather amusing, if not still frustrating.

I feel ya man. Explaining Aragorn's tie to Rivendell is essential, I can't wait to view my special extended DVD version sometimes soon.

And yeah, it's pretty fucking gay that the trailer for Return of the King isn't on that DVD man.
I like that I haven't seen the trailer yet. I want to go into the movie not expecting a thing. Of course I know what is going to happen (more or less), but I don't like to see commercials and stuff for a movie about a billion times before I see it.
Normally I would agree - I tend to avoid movie trailers and sample MP3 songs nowaday. For LotR, however, I make the exception.

In fact, I'll go out on a limb and say that the wait between each LotR movie release is so long, I actually lose some of that initial enthusiasm from when Fellowship first came out.
The best place I find to watch movie trailers is
This site has been around for years and you can watch the new LoTR trailer and also check out Aliens vs fact I'm gonna check that one out now...
JayKeeley said:
In fact, I'll go out on a limb and say that the wait between each LotR movie release is so long, I actually lose some of that initial enthusiasm from when Fellowship first came out.
Heh. The wait is long enough for me to forget a lot of the story until the next movie... Because, wait for it... I've never read the books.
After winding up my 56k modem to download the damn Alien vs Predator trailer I have to say don't bother. The trailer just has flashes of the a Predator and Alien...quite boring actually. The film ain't out till Aug next year.
I like the one per year spacing, it always bugs me when movies like the Matrix (and Back to Future did this long ago for both its useless sequels) put out 2 sequels in one year. Besides, that gives me enough time to watch the DVDs 40 times between movies, speakly purely hypothetically, I assure you. :p
The thing is, all three films were made concurrently. After Fellowship came out, we got to see middle earth, the characters, the battle sequences, the CGI etc. I'm just saying that some of the mystery went away after Fellowship, so seeing the follow ups isn't *quite* as awe-inspiring as it was the first time I saw Fellowship.

The wait in between each therefore tends to drag.

Re: Matrix, the first sequel was such utter bollocks, it actually prevented me from seeing the final installment.
I actually enjoyed Matrix Part Deux, but I have yet to see the finale just yet. I think part of it was the fact that my expectations were so low because EVERYBODY hated it, that it turned out much better than it would have, if I hadn't first watched it just two weeks ago.

You could space out the LotR movies 5 years each and I'd still be excited, but I'm such a dork that not long ago I watched the extended Fellowship version while reading the book, to see exactly what changed between the two. Yes, in watch / pause / read / repeat fashion. :)
And what did you do when Tom Bombadil never reared his ugly head, or when Glorfindel suddenly morphed into Steven Tyler's daughter just to rescue Frodo from the Nazgul??!!

Bombadil I can understand, but swapping Glorfindel for Arwen was a bit too much. All done to keep things PC...
Glorfindel I let go because it made it a stronger love story, and no matter how gay that is, it didn't bother me as much as losing badass of the millenium, Tom Bombadil.
It wasn't bothered by Arwen being there instead of Glorfindel. What I was bothered by was that it was her that caused the tidal wave that swept away the black riders. What the fuck was she saying... a spell? Gay. It should have just happened and then we find out it was the megapower handshake between Gandalf and Elrond that saved Frodo.

As great as Tom Bombadil is in the book, I just think there was no way to translate it without it seeming really retarded to most people.

Hey dol! merry dol! ring a dong dillo!
Riing a dong! hop along! fal lal the willow!
Tom Bom, jolly Tom, Tom Bombadillo!

I mean... c'mon...
Yeah, Tom Bombadil would have come across as very gay indeed. I'm glad he was dropped, although getting to Bree did seem a bit quick.

I actually thought Arwen's rescue of Frodo was excellently filmed, but come on, to wipe out Glorfindel altogether? Doesn't he have quite a respectable role in the third book during the war?