OT/ The Two Towers


Rebel Scum
Feb 14, 2002
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I'm going to go on the impression that most everybody is somewhat familiar with the major plot points in the movie, so if I spoil anything for anybody, I'll apologize now. This movie is fucking sweet. It has a lot more momentum than the first one and moves smoothly between the three storylines.
The best part of the movie is Gollum. Andy Serkis' performance is incredible as both the Smeagol and Gollum sides of his personality. I never understood why Frodo put up with Gollum in the books, but throughout the course of the movie, you actually do begin to feel sorry for this creature. The digital animators did an incredible job in translating Serkis' performance and together they have created a truely original performance.
The one part of the movie I was the most interested in seeing were the Ents. I never thought they could pull it off as well as they do. When they attack Isengard, it's just brutal. The look on Christopher Lee's face says it all. He's shit out of luck.
The battle of Helm's Deep lives up to all the hype, and is probably the biggest battle scene in movie history. Including the head count competition between Legolas and Gimli was a nice touch. And let's face it, Orlando Bloom must have gotten a mountain of pussy from these movies because Legolas kicks a whole lot of ass.
Just like the first movie, at the end you want to see the next movie RIGHT FUCKING NOW, but all the pieces are in place and The Return of the King should be the queen mother of all grand finales. And judging by what was in the movie, there should be plenty of stuff left over for the extended DVD....


(by the way, has anyone found the hidden Council of Elrond scetch by Jack Black and Sarah Michelle Gellar from the MTV movie awards on the Fellowship:extended DVD?)
Yeah I just got back tonight from seeing the movie and it rocks. Gollum kicked ass. Way better than Jar Jar Binks for a fully realised digital character. Any your right I want to see the third flick now!
LOTR two towers kicks ass.

But, being a purist, i think the omission of the hard core banging scene between Eowyn and her horse really ruined the movie for me...
And don't get me started on the cutting of the scene where Frodo uses the ring to keep his pecker woody... what the hell Peter Jackson thought??? That we'll forget about those classic parts of the book? never! ;)
That movie ruled, I've seen it twice already. And I want to see it again!!!
My friend was all pissed about Faramir, but I was fine with the change. They did an excellent job on the Ents. That same friend said they followed the Ents part right. I was like, wtf? It's alot dif, but still it was awesome.
Gimli was the shit!!! Oh my god!
"We can take 'em," "Toss Me, but don't tell the Elf."
seen it twice now... much better the second time - and the first time was incredible! Gollum is amazing, really excellent. Some character/plot changes of course, but not to worry - it's brilliant!
roll on the extended version....
I finally got grandpa to babysit so we could see the movie last night. Damn...now we need another sitter so we can go see it again. It was a great movie. For all the pursists that say it doesn't follow the book just right, that's never going to happen unless they start making 100 hour movies. Jackson has done a fantastic job of adapting the series to the screen. The only thing I'm disappointed about is having to wait a year to see Return of the King.
Originally posted by Jeffasin
(by the way, has anyone found the hidden Council of Elrond scetch by Jack Black and Sarah Michelle Gellar from the MTV movie awards on the Fellowship:extended DVD?)

No I haven't. Is this a confirmed easter egg or what? I havent heard about it. But anyway, good review, the movie did rock, I cant wait to see it again.
The movie fucking ruled! I think it was better than "Fellowship".
I give it a 10 out of 10.
Brent might even like this one...:)
10 out of 10. Much better pace than Fellowship. During Fellowship there were moments when I was restless and was looking at my watch, going out to the concessions for cappucino or whatever. Two Towers, quickest 3 hour movie you'll ever see, until the next LOTR. Great movie. I'll definitely see it again in a couple of months when it hits the $1 theatres.
Originally posted by TD
Two Towers, quickest 3 hour movie you'll ever see
I totally agree. While many 3 hour movies you look at your watch thinking "How much longer until this is over?", with the Two Towers, the only reason I looked at my watch is because it just kept getting better and I was hoping it wasn't going to be ending right away.
Originally posted by nafnikufesin
I finally got grandpa to babysit so we could see the movie last night. Damn...now we need another sitter so we can go see it again.

Yeah, like it's hard getting grandparents to babysit. That's about the only thing I can get them to do.

I'll see this movie someday. I'm sure my husband will see it first though.

BTW, when they had the midnight showing here last week (Tuesday night, I believe), the movie theater at the mall had it on seven screens, which they said would hold 1600 people. 500 people were standing in line, and most of them had been there since 5 a.m. Why would you sit in line for 16 hours to see a movie when there's no chance you wouldn't get in if you showed up at 12??? I don't get people sometimes.