TWO TOWERS, dudez!

Am I the only one who was disapointed about how the movie made Faramir a ring wanting ass at first. I really liked him in the book because he never once attemted to get the ring, like his brother. I thought the movie was great but all the changes they made with frodo and sam's segments were kind of depressing. I wanted to see shelob, too.
I'm actually talking with someone on IM about that right now. In the book he's really cool, this brilliant detective noble dude. In the movie, he's a fascist, and why the heck does he change his mind and let Frodo go AFTER seeing him almost give the ring ot the Nazgul?? That would make me be like "OK this hobbit is going NOWHERE NEAR mordor!"
Hm, I used to think that, but over the past few years I've been convinced otherwise. Sure, Frodo's a martyr, but that's the only heroic quality he has--suffering with the ring. It's Sam who shows heroic fortitude as Frodo falls apart. Sam's the one who drags Frodo to Mount Doom; Sam's the one whose goodness is obvious through the whole book. Frodo's most important act--preventing Sam from killing Gollum--is just Frodo following orders from Gandalf. In the end, a major theme of the Lord of the Rings is relying-on-your-friends/loyalty, and Sam is the exemplar of that.