little off topic but has anyone seen The Two Towers yet?

Yngvai X

Dark Emperor
Jul 18, 2002
Woodland Park, NJ
I saw the midnight show of it and I must say they did an AMAZING job. Anyone who gets dissapointed from this movie really needs to lighten up and stop over analyzing the movies. They really did a fantastic job, its much better than Fellowship (I liked the book better too tho). Treebeard and the ents are unbelieveable and so is gollum. Its everything I could have hoped this movie would be and THEN some. I wonder how RotK is gonna be?
I am going to see it tomorrow and i am so excited! Since the last movie just left you hanging... rat bastard hollywood *grumble grumble*... anyway, i can't wait and i know it will be worth it!
I saw the midnight showing as well, and I feel they did an EXCELLENT job. The movie was very true to the book, and I feel that the two towers made a better transition from book to movie than fellowship did (though they did a good job with fellowship too). My only gripe is that they didnt include the last chapters from each perspective in the book (for those who read the book you know what I am talking about), but I suppose it just gives me more to look forward to in the next movie.
Originally posted by theodyssey
I am going to see it tomorrow and i am so excited! Since the last movie just left you hanging... rat bastard hollywood *grumble grumble*... anyway, i can't wait and i know it will be worth it!

I know the ending of FoTR was rough, but that's exactly the way the book ends, and I can't think of any other place to have ended the movie. The Lord of The Rings was originally written as one long book, but since Tolkien's publishers didn't think it would fly, they had him divide it into three books, so imagine how *he* felt trying to figure out where to cut these things up. :D

I just saw TTT last night and I'm sort of glad they didn't end the movie exactly where the book ends because after the way people reacted to the ending of the first one, I think they would have set the screen on fire. :lol:

So i just saw the movie for the best book (imo) and for the best part (TTT),IMO) :eek:

incredible landscape
more brutal
more lovely
it hurts
it makes you cry
it makes you scream
it makes you laugh
it makes you JUMP!

im gonna buy a sword now,dammit!

the only weak point i can bitch about is that Peter Jackon left The Spider part for the Return Of The King. BUT i can understand it. More action for the 3rd.

I will watch it again next week :)

The 2 Towers = the best movie i have seen so far.
Looks like I'm the only person who thought it paled in comparison to the first movie. The only thing I really enjoyed about this movie was the Ents attacking Isengard... the rest was pretty damn boring/bad in my opinion.
as a movie, it was SUPERB! peter jackson is an amazing director who has the sense for visuals and eyecandy.

as a movie adaptation of the book, it was decent. one of the major changes that fans will get uproarious about [kinda like how the ending was totally changed in FOTR], is the change of the character of Faramir. He was like a boromir clone up until the point he prevailed against temptation.

and there's a lot of disliking the osgiliath scene, which was new and unnecessary [i thought it was fine].

however, this isn't a literal book adaptation, and was never meant to be. it was proposed to be the interpretation from the eyes of peter jackson. i think tolkiens descriptive provides for a lot of imagery in the book, and jackson succeeds on this part most excellently.

the plot changes and additions [elves in helms deep, aragorn's fall, the ents initial decision, osgiliath, warg riders, etc...] shouldn't deter you from seeing an excellent movie.

i haven't seen many movies that have been as good as the book (perhaps the only one was "a clockwork orange", and even that was bastardized) but this one remains close enough to the book to satisfy this tolkienite.

i still don't like arwen but she's not as cheesy in this movie.
I saw TTT last night, and I was very impressed! The incredible opening, the Warg attack, Frodo's fall into the "Dead Marshes", the battle at Helm's Deep, the Ent attack on Isengard, the Nazgul, the acting, Gimli's comic relief, and the Smeagol/Gollum portrayal were all excellent. Before seeing TTT, I was worried about the Smeagol/Gollum representation; however, PJ and crew nailed this on the head! Kudos to Andy Serkis and WETA for the wonderful performance.

My only gripe with the film was the portrait of Faramir. He is much less heroic in the movie, but I can live with that.

I can't wait for RoTK next December! Bring on Shelob!

I saw the movie last night and I loved it! I've never read the book, so I wouldn't be able to compare the two, but the movie was very, very well done. The battle at Helms Deeps and the attack on Isengard were some of the best battle scenes I've ever seen. I liked TTT a lot more than FoTR
OH man that movie kicked ass!!! Yeah, the best movie ever... i can't wait till next year. I almost burst into tears when it ended because (like i said before) A WHOLE YEAR OF WAITING!!!...

anyway, @stardust2112, i know the movie ends exactly as the book does in FoTR. The 'rat bastard hollywood' comment ws in reference to the time between releases of the movie (me having to wait forever). Sorry that wasn't clear :)

Yeah, i found that movie much more lighthearted in a way than the first. I mean, there was much more comic relief overall... it was nice though. And the battles... oh man. That's all i am going to say. One question though (i don't know.. this maygive away a bit of the movie that someone may not want to know). Ok, so Gandalf became Gandalf the White... does that mean he is dead and is just hanging out and helping or did he get a promotion? Sorry, i just didn't quite understand that part...
Originally posted by theodyssey
One question though (i don't know.. this maygive away a bit of the movie that someone may not want to know). Ok, so Gandalf became Gandalf the White... does that mean he is dead and is just hanging out and helping or did he get a promotion? Sorry, i just didn't quite understand that part...

Yeah that was a little confusing. I think what happened was that he died, was brought back to life, and came back as Gandalf the White instead of Gandalf the Grey. He seemed to have a bit of amnesia too....
I cant wait to see this! I will be seeing it sunday morning and I know it will not disappoint. I cant wait to watch all these movies back to back on dvd.
I've just seen the movie and I have to admit I'm not that enthusiastic as anyone else seems to be here... I have to say I'm a huge fan of the books, and for me it just wasnt close enough to the story in the book. Tolkien wrote a tremendous story, why does Jackson have to change it on so many occasions??

I especially disliked the melodramatic hollywood touch Jackson added to the whole plot (the scene with the village and the two fleeing children and their reunion with their mother, close-ups of crying children and women all the time at helms deep, the dream sequences with Arwen). A lot of his new scenes add to that point as well, for example the warg battle with Aragorn's fall and his glorious return, the Osgiliath scene (why the heck did Faramir let Frodo go all of a sudden?? This wasnt logical at all) or the part when the eleves joined the humans at helms deep. I also extremely disliked how Jackson presented the Ents (not visually but how he showed their character). In the book Ents are the oldest beings alive and extremely wise and farsighted. They need a lot of time to take their decisions and never act light heartedly. In the movie they look like stupid tree trunks who change their mind without even thinking about the outcome. Why should Treebeard not know about the damaged wood at Orthanc and just change his mind (and obviously all the other Ents with him as well after he just gave a shout to them...) becuase the Hobbits lead him there??? That's just nonsense imo.

Well, enough of the complaints. I really LIKED the development of Frodo's personality. I also liked Gollum, especially his discussions with his "alter ego". The battle scenes are just fantastic, both the battle at helms deep and orthanc.

I guess if you go to that movie without knowing the book you will be absolutely fascinated. If you like the book and know every passage by heart more or less you might be a bit disappointed like I was. I'm sure I'll like the film much better when I see it the 2nd time cause I wont concentrate that much anymore on the "mistakes" in the plot. I already had that with the first movie...