OT: Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Sidewinder has sent me some information on the upcoming Chainsaw remake. Here it is:

"Principal photography officially wrapped late last week in Austin, Texas. The film came in slightly behind schedule and a little over budget (I've heard anywhere between $15 and $18 million) but that shouldn't have any impact on the Halloween 2003 release date which has been set.

"As reports surfaced from the set over the past few weeks I slowly began to realize that this isn't so much a remake but more of a re-conceptualization. The new movie will actually take place a day AFTER the events of the original film. The story apparently revolves around a group of kids (Jessica Biel, Eric Balfour, etc.) who are driving across the state of Texas on their way to Mexico to score some drugs. You see, they need some cash to move their grandparent’s graves because a rash of grave robbing has taken place across Central Texas and they don’t want Grandma and Grandpa’s final resting places to be disturbed. So, of course, like any other rational human being would do when money is tight, they take a road trip to Mexico to buy some heroine and sell it on the streets of Texas to raise cash (could this be any more ridiculous?).

"Anyhow, along the way they stumble upon the sole survivor from the previous night’s carnage, a young girl named Heather (Henrietta Sawyer), and decide to temporarily abort their trip to Mexico and take her to the hospital for some medical attention. Of course, along the way they run out of gas and are eventually trapped in a long-run down cow slaughtering facility where Leatherface, the Cook, and the Hitchhiker catch up with them and the inevitable carnage ensues.

"Now, first off, it is clear that Scott Kosar, the screenwriter, has taken some liberties with his script. Not only is the setup different but it seems like he has tinkered with certain character names as well. For instance, in the original film the sole survivor was named Sally Hardesty, but in this outing Sally Hardesty is the character name of Jessica Biel. Also, he seems to have added a character which very closely resembles Dennis Hopper’s Lefty Enright in Chainsaw 2. That character, Sheriff Hoyt (played by the irrepressible R. Lee Ermey), is a local man who’s hell-bent on avenging the death of his daughter who was butchered years ago by an elusive chainsaw-wielding madman. When he learns that Heather has been attacked by a man with a chainsaw he uses the kids as bait to lure the killer out from hiding and finally catch him once and for all.

"It certainly sounds like the new movie is going to be very different from the original. What motivated anyone to remake this movie I don’t know. Tobe Hooper's original Chainsaw is a bona fide classic and just the thought of anyone, especially a bloated Hollywood hack like Michael Bay, tinkering with such royalty seems like blasphemy to me. Oh, well..."

Taken from http://www.geocities.com/lavivaknievel/chainsaw/ Seems like were going to get a raping of yet another classic........
Pardon me if this is wrong...I don't mean to sound stupid, BUT I thought I saw this movie out in the video store, like, last year or something...it was kind of a movie/documentary of the true story behind the guy who the Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie was about. Please help. Can anyone validate this for me...or am I imagining things?
I wonder if anyone filmed Roy's white tiger attack?

I saw the movie "Ed Gein" a while back. It was strange.
He had some issues.
I also saw "Dalmer". That one was also strange. I didn't like it cause it was almost like Dalmer was the good guy.......almost.