One of the many wonderful things about Opeth is that they have expanded the musical tastes of many people (including me). I can't count how many times I've seen people on this forum discussing how they weren't into growling vocals until Opeth turned them on to it (again, including me). I've said it before, the first song I heard was Remember Tomorrow off of an otherwise mediocre/disappointing Iron Maiden tribute CD. That song stuck out for me and I ended up buying Morningrise. Took a little while to get into it, but now I love 'em. All that happened a long time ago ('98 or '99). I'm still not a huge death metal fan. I need my growls mixed with clean vocals, as well as amazing music. I can't understand how some people can be disappointed in the new stuff. I would think even old fans would realize what they're all about just from the first 3 or 4 albums. Still Life is a HUGE difference from the 3 before it. Were on album #9 now!! 9 albums of the same stuff, and no progression...I think a great many people would be more disappointed in that. You can only go so far with crazy-ass brutality mixed with alittle serenity. You need to mix it up. People talk about their "new direction", but not their "new directionS". Who knows where they'll go next. Keeps me on my toes!!!