The ultimate death of tr00 grimness

Darkthrone haven't made good music since 'Soulside Journey' in my oppinion.
But good for them.
Roar said:
Darkthrone haven't made good music since 'Soulside Journey' in my oppinion.
But good for them.

i like all their peaceville albums and soulside journey fucking pwns
Slave of Satan by REVEREND BIZARRE was in official Finnish single charts for weeks, at the position two when highest. It's only 20 minutes long thought, commercial shit.
Noo, Darkthrone have sold out and they're doing a video. Why can't they just split up instead of ruining their reputation? (When thinking about it, there are way too many bands who doesn't know when it's time too bury the old and move on.)
And their site is funny as hell, I saw the promos poster thingies a while ago and finally the time has come.

Fatalized: I'm sot sure whether to interpret your post as sarcasm or fanboizm, because this forum is loaded with stupid idiots. Darkthrone as opposed to CoB didn't change their music to sell more stuff, it looks like they're just making a mockery of just about everything. Which is tr00 as fuck if you ask me. And Too Old Too Cold is still grim even though they made a single of it.
I wasn't that serious about them selling out but I still think they were better before and the single/video thing is a little scary. It just doesn't fit with Darkthrone in my mind. The new CD will probably be okey though even if some of the song titles don't look too promising.