The ultimate offical übercool holiday thread


Jul 16, 2004
Ghent - Belgium
So... I'd like to go on holiday this summer...

Somewhere near the mediterranean sea...

... any advice on where to go? Preferably cheap (but no campingshizzle or youth hostels) :p

To not make this thread entirely about me: anyone know hidden treasures to visit? and where did you spent your best holiday ever? + where/how are you spending your summer holidays? ^^


Turkey's usually neat if you book last minute, shoudln't be too expensive either: Good service, friendly people, awesome food and if you're interested in culture this country can also offera lot.

Italy offers cool beaches, it's the typical family-holiday goal though. I was disappointed with the service when I was there and the hygiene conditions of the public buildings wasn't too good either. Prices are moderate, food's awesome if you like pasta :p.

Hungary is a secret tip, nice temperatures, awesome and friendly people, very good service, low living costs etc...

Hope that helped...
Hungary is a secret tip, nice temperatures, awesome and friendly people, very good service, low living costs etc...

Where have you been exactly? I go to Budapest almost every year and ive never met so unfriendly people.Nobody is not even trying to be polite and not to mention that nobody speaks or maybe even doesnt want to speak english :lol:
When i travel Europa, this is the map i carry. Hope it helps.
Spanish people sound like they should be brown but you go to Spain and everyone is white.
We should make them change their name
Or we could send them Mexicans
Nobody is not even trying to be polite
erm... must I keep into account double negation? :p

this is a great help, very accurate as far as I can tell

I'd like to go to Portugal actually, I like Italy, but I've been there once, and since it's like the only country (UK too) that I've visited, I'd like to go somewhere else :p

I'd also prefer some place where you can wear a cleavage and not be whistled or yelled at like a dog, is there such a place? :/