You're forgettings we are harming the starving babys of ethiopia with mark twains book titled romeo and juliet since they also fed starving babies from ethiopia. and my opnion is................your all so caught up in trying to pwn eachother, that you havent realised that the poor wompuses of North South Pole of Africa are being drained of their powers..........of course you'd know about all this if you bothered your lazy arses to go and read up on the satirical satire of the southern BLACK society in which FluckelCherry Fimp in habits and Thomas More !! THOMAS MORE I SAY !!!! If only he could see you all now.......the tears would be running from his eyes, to see that the satires are being left unread and untouched and unfondled and unpoked and undone and unredone and so on and so forth and blah blah blah........................anyways, my point is - Sir Richard Rich holds the key to all this, as every man has a price
You guys realize that the band link this nonsence page from their own OFFICIAL site! Let's count to fifteen, I million, twenty threads in ten seconds and all this bullshit has nothing to do with the band. I still say keep the SPAM crap to a certain section. All the good music threads are drained down the page by infantile threads. :waah::waah: Some of the threads ARE funny yes but still, there should be some relevance?? Or... I am 100% behind Tut on this one. Bad repping for not wanting spam? :hypno::hypno::hypno: So sad.........
>Im not gonna talk in this thread since its one too many

but this one in contrast DOES have a purpose! to get rid of the horde of shit threads! so if you lamers feel the need to post idioticies in quantities again, do so in this one thread instead of spilling your crap all over the forum
this thread won't work cuz even spamming thread need subject.. like the counting one.. if we start counting here it will be a mess cuz people will post other shit...
yep..w e're about to outdone ourselve and make 1000 post in one day.. we're doing it in the same thread.. come post something plz.. in 17 hours it will be over