The upcoming cd

hhmmmmm........ not a damn clue... artwork is an issue as well. I am just so psyched that the music is coming together! It's been a long wait, and now the wait is almost over!
I liked "I drink broken dreams" - I think that was mike, hahahahahaha.......

How about "Freedom cost 1,000 troops a year" - ooooo bad timing...
Without tooting our own horns too much, I think you guys will think it is worth the wait when you get to hear it.
First of all, Luis, that is probably one of the best sigs I have ever seen anywhere ever in the history of sigs.

We were (kind of) discussing a title in the studio the other day. Nothing came of it though. I have absolutley no clue - I have no ideas at all. Everything I have thought of either sounds to silly, or too typical. I don't want one of those titles that you hear everywhere these days. On the other hand, I can not come up with anything good so I am completely open to suggestions! I'm sure as a band we will eventually agree on something that does not suck.

I should point out that Nick came up with the idea "Epic Penetration" and that had me laughing for a good while!