The US can't get an Equal Rights Amendment...


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
but Bush is pushing for a Constitutional Amendment to ban gay marriage? You soulless fucking cunt. I would take Ralph Nader over Bush at this point. Well, maybe. :Spin:
Bush is trying to use the gay thing to bash kerry with because he can't claim victory on the war on terror, the economy, or his military record.

But as I've been reading in various blogs, this may backfire...there are a number of moderate republicans who don't want to be seen as are absolutely correct, this is never meant to be a passable thing, just a political weapon. Bush is big on making grand statements/plans which he has no intention of ever seeing to reality, such as the illegal immigrant amnesty and the Mars space thing.
Whether people like it or not, gay marriage is here to stay. It will take some time, but it's not going away.

I was just up in San Fransisco, NAD. I should have invited you up. You could be my second wife!
I am indifferent as well. I could really care less. It's none of my business one way or the other.

But the super conservative Texas legislature will never let this happen. I see a slew of lawsuits a' comin'.
I'm more for legalizing gay marriages than against them, but a Constitutional Amendment is just stupid. Making a step that bold against equality is just gay! :loco:

npearce said:
I was just up in San Fransisco, NAD. I should have invited you up. You could be my second wife!
Dammit, I've always wanted to be somebody's bitch, too! :tickled:
Even though I'm not really hip to the idea of gay marriage, I think it's a dangerous precendent to use morality to amend the constitution. It's only been done once (Prohibition), and it failed. Using legislation to deny rights just seems to be the wrong course of action.
neal said:
the bible says adam and eve, not adam and steve! haha ill bet whatever redneck thought that up was really proud of himself.
The same hick fuck who thought up, "I don't live in America, America lives in me". :tickled:

Before gay marriages are even taken into consideration, shouldn't there be a ban on bumper stickers such as these by now?
JayKeeley said:
I meant other than your motor home. :tickled:
Neal you don't live off the 99 freeway do you? :tickled:

That Adam and Steve comment makes me laugh every time, I always want to retaliate with "yeah, it was a figment of Shakespeare's imagination just like the rest of the bible, putz!" :loco:
I say that in the paper this morning...I think it was this morning. Bloody retarded if you ask me. Never thought it was a good idea in politics to make it blatant that you're a prejudiced little fart...(Enoch Powell :Saint: )