The US is going to Hell, Health Care for Everyone...

Genius Gone Insane

Aug 19, 2003
San Francisco Bay Area
www. ̄\(°_o)
What a Marxist, Socialist, Communist country the USA is becoming. I can't believe I have to spend my tax dollars to make sure that people with pre-existing medical conditions will not be discriminated against and everyone in the country will be able to afford quality health care. What kind of nonsense is this? I need a time machine to go back to the 1960s when white people ruled, gays lived in closets, and there were no Mexicans here.

We need another Joe McCarthy.

Glenn Beck Forever!
Fuck yes I am joking. Today I am officially proud to be an American. Finally.

I thoroughly enjoyed listening to my radio alarm this morning as Glenn Beck stuttered in utter confusion while he tried to figure out exactly what the press release said. After about 5 minutes of his team reading the other various web sites, he was finally able to figure out that the new health care law got upheld. Then he proceeded to cry about our marxist President for the next twenty minutes.

I walked into work with a huge smile on my face today.

This is the beginning of the end of our current, corrupt pharmaceutical industry.
in all seriousness I'm just a bit baffled by something ...

this whole thing has been building up for the SC hearings / decision for quite some time now. Well, it happened, the SC made a decision, its the highest court in the land, 99.9999% when something goes there and a decision is made, thats it. They ruled on it and they happened to rule in favor of it

So why and actually HOW is it that all these crybaby fuckheads (you know who) are now saying they're gonna hold MORE votes to try and repeal it or they would try to repeal it on their "1st day in office" ... I don't get it ... can't they just accept the fact that the SUPREME COURT made its decision and that they lost? If the ruling had gone the other way, they would be saying shit like "If the SC makes a decision its the law, its constitutional, anyone who doesn't like it is just angry that they lost the battle, blah blah blah"

To me, THIS is the main problem. Ok so democrats & republicans don't like each other, they don't seem capable of working together anymore. Isn't anyone capable of accepting the fact that the choice was made and its time to move on to other things?
he was finally able to figure out that the new health care law passed

for the record, the law was already passed...this just held it up as being in legal accordance with the constitution
The funny about this is that the American Way gone wrong. No minimal state. No market capitalist rules. Where is american justice according to Ford, Posner and Nozick?
America is trying to get real social rights now. About time.
Hopefully this will some how drive down the cost of brand name prescriptions down? Cymbalta would be $180 a month, but my doc. is kind enough to give me samples...

Also, why the hell is Romney so against national healthcare when it is virtually the same policy Massachusetts instituted a few years ago? :rage:
in all seriousness I'm just a bit baffled by something ...


To me, THIS is the main problem. Ok so democrats & republicans don't like each other, they don't seem capable of working together anymore. Isn't anyone capable of accepting the fact that the choice was made and its time to move on to other things?

exactly. this is the true and eminent issue facing this country - whether Americans realize it or not. today was a victory for Obama supporters - but for how long? the majority of Americans, and I'll be blunt and say mostly Republicans, refuse to accept any kind of decision that's not clearly in their court. until this is resolved (not holding my breathe) - America is fucked.
It's generally pretty difficult to repeal a law. Unless the repubs gain a majority in the senate AND the presidency, the law should stay. Love how adamant Romney is over this being some terrible bill. Pandering at its finest....
What else is Romney going to say? It's a hot button issue and if he voiced any other position he wouldn't be the Republican nominee or have any prayer of winning.
glad you were joking :D
and a big plus one to everything Carlos said.

one thing that bothers me even if it's ot:
it's not america, it's the United States, America is the whole fucking continet...
I'm ok with it but for me "Obama care" has not helped the cost of healthcare for me personally. My insurance ajusted this past year to start the transition to pleasing the demands of the bill. The result is my out of pocket cost has gotten significantly higher. Last year, other than my preimiums ($960 pre tax, this is the annual figure) I literally paid nothing else for anything. This year, including what I have paid in preimiums I'm already at $800.

My maintenence drug has become to expensive even with insurance ($1250 a year apposed to $380 a year last year) I had to go off it.

The $1200 the company used to give us for use toward anything (including OTC stuff like tylenol) has gone down to $200 this year and they got rid of having it be able to cover OTC stuff.

So yay free health care, but I have yet to see how it will (or most likely will not) affect me possitivly in any way. :lol: