The US is going to Hell, Health Care for Everyone...

I'm ok with it but for me "Obama care" has not helped the cost of healthcare for me personally. My insurance ajusted this past year to start the transition to pleasing the demands of the bill. The result is my out of pocket cost has gotten significantly higher. Last year, other than my preimiums ($960 pre tax, this is the annual figure) I literally paid nothing else for anything. This year, including what I have paid in preimiums I'm already at $800.

its been the EXACT opposite for me

10 years ago I had a better plan and paid $0

over the last 9 years I've gradually had to contribute more and more to my own plan per week as well as actually having my plan downgraded twice. I'm now paying a lot more for an inferior product

this year was the 1st time that not only did my premiums NOT go up but in fact they went down, by about $15 a week

Still nowhere near what it used to be but its a step in the right direction
this year was the 1st time that not only did my premiums NOT go up but in fact they went down, by about $15 a week

That's very good to hear man. I'm just speaking to my situation. I expect my healthcare costs to at least double (maybe triple) this year. Some of it is having a kid though. Some of it is clearly to start meeting the demand of bammy care.
yeah I don't expect that everyone's situation is / will be the same, especially if you throw kids in the mix (I don't have any) ... its just cool to think that maybe this small improvement in my particular situation is due at least partially to the changes in the system beginning to take place

only time will tell though
I need a time machine to go back to the 1960s when white people ruled, gays lived in closets, and there were no Mexicans here.We need another Joe McCarthy.

Glenn Beck Forever!

Could be better to get the same time machine to go back when white people were still in Europe and not immigrated in America :D
Isn't anyone capable of accepting the fact that the choice was made and its time to move on to other things?

I think part of the problem (besides it being so controversial) is the fact that it was passed by a 5-4 vote and that the only reason it was deemed constitutional was because it was considered a tax, yet Obama still to this day denies that it is either a tax or a penalty. He goes on the compare it to auto insurance. That's pretty cool of him to compare apples to oranges.
You can significantly injure someone or kill someone with a vehicle, not to mention damage or total their vehicle. Thus, I honestly don't really have a problem with vehicle insurance being mandatory. But you see we're not forced to own vehicles. And if we want we can get a PIP plan which are pretty darn affordable. I actually recently had to cancel my health insurance because I simply cannot afford it. I don't think the bill will negatively affect me however but that doesn't mean that I support it or that I'm not concerned about how it may affect other people.

Truth is I do think something needs to be done, but I don't think punishing people is the way to go about it. And Romney is an idiot for blasting a health plan that is his own.

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I don't know much about the social system in US but I see it as something quite cruel from my perspective. No offense I just want to understand the different points of view...

In France, every working person pay a little % for health care. Call it a tax if you want but for example if I need glasses or teeth treatments then I could have good ones instead of doing nothing because I can't afford them. And I can always pay an 'complementary health insurance' if I earn enough to do so. Ok you have no choice for this health care but it costs less than a private insurance and I honestly believe it's a good thing.

I think I can understand that American people can take that as a tax or a punishment but maybe it's also a chance for the most part to get basic treatments and have a better life condition?
I think part of the problem (besides it being so controversial) is the fact that it was passed by a 5-4 vote and that the only reason it was deemed constitutional was because it was considered a tax, yet Obama still to this day denies that it is either a tax or a penalty. He goes on the compare it to auto insurance. That's pretty cool of him to compare apples to oranges.
You can significantly injure someone or kill someone with a vehicle, not to mention damage or total their vehicle. Thus, I honestly don't really have a problem with vehicle insurance being mandatory. But you see we're not forced to own vehicles. And if we want we can get a PIP plan which are pretty darn affordable. I actually recently had to cancel my health insurance because I simply cannot afford it. I don't think the bill will negatively affect me however but that doesn't mean that I support it or that I'm not concerned about how it may affect other people.

Truth is I do think something needs to be done, but I don't think punishing people is the way to go about it. And Romney is an idiot for blasting a health plan that is his own.

I don't personally see it as comparing apples to oranges ... More like oranges to tangerines. Most, if not all the people I know (myself included) absolutely rely on their vehicles to live. My job is 45 minutes from me and there is no public transportation that would require anything less than a 2 hour commute plus 20 minutes walk to get there.

On the flip side ... yes a car can be driven poorly to cause damage and or injury. What about a person's poor choices in being reckless, especially when younger. They keep making this argument that young people shouldn't be forced into the healthcare system because they generally don't need it due to being young & healthy. It also happens to be a time period when people are more reckless which doesn't really lead to illness but it sure as shit can lead to injuries that require hospital visits. It's kinda the same reason why your auto insurance premiums go down as you get older ... they assume as a person you're becoming more responsible
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I don't personally see it as comparing apples to oranges ... More like oranges to tangerines.

Not even, it's totally oranges to oranges.

Auto insurance would not work as a model if everyone wasn't forced into it. You get hit by some jackass without insurance and the bill to fix your car is on you (unless you can recoup the costs in court, and if he's not paying for insurance chances are he doesn't have the money to pay for your repairs). You pay more and get fucked over because of someone else's negligence.

Health insurance is the same way - if someone gets sick and doesn't have insurance, it's either "fuck off and die in the streets" or "hey we'll fix your shit, bills on us (unless we can recoup the costs in court, and if he's not paying health insurance chances are he doesn't have the money to pay for a new lung/heart/dick/etc)," which causes your insurance premium to be higher than it otherwise would have been. Same story; you pay more and get fucked over because of someone else's negligence.

We are not forced to own vehicles, and as such we aren't 'forced' to buy auto-insurance. We don't really have a choice about living, though, unless you opt-out Cobain style.

This is all still assuming you're not willing to let people who can't afford health care die in the streets, which in and of itself is support for socialized medicine.
That's very good to hear man. I'm just speaking to my situation. I expect my healthcare costs to at least double (maybe triple) this year. Some of it is having a kid though. Some of it is clearly to start meeting the demand of bammy care.

That's interesting, considering Obamacare hasn't gone into affect yet. would it be your healthcare cost are going up because that's what they have been doing for the last 20+ years?
That's interesting, considering Obamacare hasn't gone into affect yet. would it be your healthcare cost are going up because that's what they have been doing for the last 20+ years?

Except it hasn't? When I started working where I work (and have been since I was 20, I'm 29 now) my insurance was nice, but I paid through the nose for it, a little over $1200 a year. However it covered a lot more, I didn't pay for eye exams and only had to incure 40% of the cost of glasses (one example).

That company left and was replaced by another affordable one ($850ish a year). The one that replaced that company should have been the one I went with because other than an anual visit to the dentist, optomitrist and doctor I'm a healthy dude (well, there is that pesky asma that I had since 4th grade :lol:). Co pays for drugs were 5/15/30 at that time (5 for generic, 15 for tier 2, and 30 for name brand)

Thier premiums did go up over time, but not much. The company I work for came up with help in the form of a HRA (health reimbursement account, not to be confused with a self funded flexible spending account). The company gave $1200 to each employee the first year and that amount rolled over to the next year where the amount was less ($5 or 600 IIRC). This money could be used for anything medical at the time, RX, copays, hospital visits, glasses, dentists, etc...

Just this last year since everything pretty much has to be standardised, everyone in the company had to go under the same plan, no more options. The drug card has increased to 10/45/90 (hense why I am no longer on advair). The amount of HRA funds has dropped to $200, and under bammy care, once it goes into effect as I understand it would either have to be completely scrapped or severly limited in what it could be used for. My preiumiums went up, although I have heard that the majority fat fucks with familys that work where I work got a better deal this year with all of this (healthy single people can fuck right the fuck off, haha :lol:). When I say single, I mean the insurance only covers me. My wife has insurance through her employer (just in case you were wondering why my married ass was refering to being single).

So yay insurance for everyone, I just don't see the positive yet (for me personally). I also don't know how insurance companies are not going to find other legal ways of being shitty. :lol: