The Veggie Thread

You guys are mistaken if you think soy is the only alternative to meat. There are more than enough ( Also if you eat the regular 99 cent supermarket meat you'll consume a whole shitload of hormones, antibiotics and loads of other medicine. That's a proven fact, unlike the probable results of a diet with lots of soy products which is heavily debated by experts (as was pointed out). Again, you do not need a lot of soy or "meat" if you live vegan/vegetarian. I eat stuff like Seitan, Tofu or cereal based "meat" perhaps twice a week. Just like you probably don't eat meat everyday - at least you shouldn't.
This is not directed at anyone personally but please people, don't try to justify your meat consumption with pseudo-scientific allegations - noone attacked you nor asked you about it. It's okay. But you can't argue against a careful vegetarian diet from a scientific point of view.
So my point is, I don't want this thread to be a discussion as to why you should or shouldn't be vegan, I simply want to share the experience with like-minded people by posting pictures/recipes of meals I've done
I have no idea what you are referring to with the moral schizophrenia thing.

I was responding to DanLights.

Like I said, I don't consume enough soy to have any reason to be concerned about it's possible associated health issues.
However someone who is vegan in all likelihood does, so I was just making sure he was at least aware of it, as he should be whether or not there is any real issue.

Then you have to tell everyone to be aware of the possible health risks associated with the foods they consume - especially if they aren't vegan.
No offense intended and I don't want to come off like a prick but I'm just kinda fed up with the 'oh, you're vegan, don't you know soy is unhealthy?'-thing.

Chan et al. Dairy products, calcium, and prostate cancer risk in the Physician’s Health Study. Am J Clin Nutr. 2001

Sesink et al. Red meat and colon cancer: dietary haem, but not fat, has cytotoxic and hyperproliferative effects on rat colonic epithelium. Carcinogenesis. 2000

van der Pols et al. Childhood dairy intake and adult cancer risk: 65-y follow-up of the Boyd Orr cohort. Am J Clin Nutr. 2007

Ganmaa et al. The possible role of female sex hormones in milk from pregnant cows in the develop ment of breast, ovarian and corpus uteri cancers. Med Hypotheses. 2005

Chen et al. Consumption of dairy products and risk of Parkinson's disease. Am J Epidemiol. 2007

Mattayus said:
It's also incredibly destructive to farm/produce, if you are concerned for the ethical implications of your food-sourcing.

I never understood this. By eating animal products you'll always consume more soy and other plant products than any vegan. A diet which includes animal products uses more water, land and energy than a plant-based diet, because you always have to put more energy (i.e. calories) in than you get out.
Thank you Ruonitb, I hope this clears the subject I so clearly stated didn't want the thread to be about, but deep in my heart always knew it would come to it. And yeah, the farming thing, LOL. Billions of cows eat much more produce than billions of people, like eating meat instead of plants avoids the "destructiveness" of farming.

Anyways, any other meals, experiences, survival tips, wise advice on the subject?
My diet is about 80% vegetarian and my gf is full vegetarian. I try to avoid non-fermented soy products. The fermentation process removes a majority of the toxins and anti-nutrients that are present in soy. The Asian cultures didn't really consume soy products until they realized this. I've become a huge fan of marinated tempeh. It makes a great sandwich. I drink lots of almond milk, but it's lacking in protein when compared with soy and dairy milk. I buy lots of beans/legumes in bulk and love a good bowl of brown rice, beans, and steamed veggies.
A friend of mind is über vegan.... To the point of where he looks at how far his rabbit food has travelled... I give him a little shtik for his choices but it's all in jest....

I know steak could kill me... But then so could beer... Or sunshine...
A friend of mind is über vegan.... To the point of where he looks at how far his rabbit food has travelled... I give him a little shtik for his choices but it's all in jest....

I know steak could kill me... But then so could beer... Or sunshine...

I don't get the rabbit food thing. Yeah I know what you mean about everything killing you, it's understandable to get fed up with the whole "everything's bad for you" thing, but I would like to live a life as long and healthy as possible, and from current studies meat isn't gonna help my longevity, quite the contrary, the fewer carcinogens and less cholesterol the better.
not fully vegetarian but I'm like 80% there ... I still need a little fish or chicken once in a while and on certain occasions nothing but a fat burger will do but I'm getting there

I could never be vegan though .. long love affair with cheese and so far any of this vegan cheese of tried is just fucking horrible

the wife is almost fully vegan though .. ever since she got this cook book "The Vega-nomicon" I've been subjected to some truly horrid stuff but quite a few really tasty things as well

EDIT: I guess I should also mention that if I do eat something like chicken or whatever its always cage free, free range, etc ...
I rarely cook meat at home, at least compared to the german/austrian norm.
I do like some ham in my toast though, so a pack of ham every other week is what I buy regulary. I eat too much carbohydrates though.

Most of the time I eat it a restaurant it's chicken or ribs, but I'm not rich enough to eat outside everyday ;) But I could live without that I guess.

+1 to Carlos for this
I could never be vegan though .. long love affair with cheese and so far any of this vegan cheese of tried is just fucking horrible

Only other reason I could never be vegan is that I love sushi too fucking much.
Kinda schizophrenic about it, cause I'm not a fan of overfishing the seas.

But before I can't manage to quit smoking for good I'm not even thinking about changing my diet 100% to pescetarian.
Personally i almost completely cut on red meat but i eat lots of chicken and im not too happy with that because i can imagine the qtity of hormone intake that comes with it.. On the other hand i often catch myself getting disgusted while eatin meat and i have to wash that off of my head so i finish my food.

Unfortunately the only reason i didnt stop eating that stuff is because of weight lifting. Im not too convinced i can get my protein elsewhere.
sooo true :D (@Jarkko)

I love good meat, no way I could be vegi or vegan, no problem if you want to go that way, just don't bitch
about it, I know, there are lots of animals that live a fucking bad life just that you can get cheap meat, but
that's a point, I dislike, too.
I don't eat lots of meat, actually only like 500g per month, but I buy it at a local butchery and all the animals
lived a in my area and weren't fattened in small cages.

There's already alot of vegan stuff or at least veggie stuff I cook, that's enough for me and due to eating not
very much meat but only high quality meat I am really happy evertime I get some, so it's a win-win situation :D

About the medical part, there are loads of studies that are pro-vegan and loads of studies that are anti-vegan,
both from doctors and biologists and so on, so that doesn't matter to me at all, had nutrition classes for 4 years
5 hours per week and know a few doctors who specialized in that area (and most of them have different opinions).

What I actually really dislike are people who eat at McDonalds or Burger King but won't touch real meat because
they think it's gross or are like "dude-this farmer is such an asshole, he killed the little pig" sure he did, because
someone wanted to eat it-get over it and stop eating meat if you think it's gross...
I have no problem with meat, I butchered chicken a few times, fished and so on, it's part of nature imho, you're
able to live without it nowadays if you really want to, just stop bitching about it.

there's a German strongman (can't remember his name) who's vegan, so there are ways to get the protein ;)
it's still easier to get it through meat.

P.S.: A thing I really, really hate is the people who only buy vegan food for their pets-bitching about the ways
farmanimals have to live but owning a dog (most of the time in a small flat, at least the ones I know) and giving
them vegan food.
At the evolutinary state humans are now, you can't tell for sure if they need meat or not, but a dog is a carnivore,
that's it, no omnivore, no herbivore, just carnivores that eat meat.
Jarkko Mattheiszen said:
What the fuck is up with the whole "[vegetarian/vegan substance] + [meat]" thing? Vegan sushi? Seitan kebab? TOFU HAM? If you're a veggie, that's all good, but stop pretending you're eating meat for fuck's sake :lol:

It's like saying a song has "programmed real drums" or "miced POD Farm."

What's wrong with it? It's food, and if you like it, you eat it. No one claims to be eating meat when doing so. Your examples are terrible btw, vegan sushi is not insane, it's the same stuff but with veggies instead of fish, it's still sushi. Seitan kebab? Much easier to just eat falafel :lol: never heard of tofu ham though, I've seen it used as a cheese substitute but not of ham, wouldn't be surprised if it exists though. Maybe you were just making a joke I didn't get :lol:

Non-veggie people, please add something to the point of this thread or gtfo, kthxby.
rispsira said:
Unfortunately the only reason i didnt stop eating that stuff is because of weight lifting. Im not too convinced i can get my protein elsewhere.

read a book or two and be convinced, a balanced vegan diet with all 9 amino acids daily would be like getting all the protein from meat without the cholesterol, fat and carcinogens

Steff: I agree on the pets thing, my cat eats turkey and rice cat food, I'm not messing with his diet, he kills flies because it's his nature, no need to deprive him of what his kind would get in the wild
What's wrong with it? It's food, and if you like it, you eat it. No one claims to be eating meat when doing so.

That's exactly what they're doing when naming the plates like that. Turn it the other way around - why do they have to associate meat types with the dishes when consciously avoiding meat altogether? It's not like I'm eating bacon cucumber, right? :D

Your examples are terrible btw, vegan sushi is not insane, it's the same stuff but with veggies instead of fish, it's still sushi. Seitan kebab? Much easier to just eat falafel :lol: never heard of tofu ham though, I've seen it used as a cheese substitute but not of ham, wouldn't be surprised if it exists though. Maybe you were just making a joke I didn't get :lol:

Ok, the sushi example wasn't that good, although originally sushi meant the combination of rice and raw fish. Vegetarian sushi doesn't contain fish. Seitan kebab is something the vegetarian enthusiast keep talking about all the time, at least around here. And tofu ham? Yup. Tofu ham, tofu sausage, tofu hot dog, you name it. One of the most common vegetarian dish around these parts is tofu [insert meat here].

Non-veggie people, please add something to the point of this thread or gtfo, kthxby.

I like all kinds of nuts.
yeah, you can buy "tofu-schnitzel" and so on around here, it's named like the "real deal" and they make
it actually look almost identical, no clue why, there are tastier ways and if I would dislike meat and so
on, I wouldn't want to eat something that looks the same.