The Village Voice


Jan 11, 2006
This is from a 'review' of Queensryche's first album. At least I think so. It was in Rhapsody Music Service's Album Review for it.

Heavy metal's excuse for existing is its status as the generic expression of a white-male-adolescent underclass, but these five devotees of "the American work ethic" from an affluent Seattle suburb buy none of that--they're into selling. They woodshedded for two years, avoiding the seamy bar circuit in their pursuit of the rock and roll dream, which is of course a big contract. And when they got it they gave two weeks notice on their day jobs like the second-generation managers they are. What EMI paid for was the operatic tenor of Geoff Tate emoting "fantasy" lyrics over hyped-up new-metal tempos, and if you think the brand name panders to sexism and fascism, you're free to set up picket lines for as long as the First Amendment remains in force. (Grade: D+)
- © R. Christgau/Village Voice

Love how people have no clue what they are talking about.
See I don't know when this was written. And I still find it interesting how people 'label' metal, think of people who listen to it, etc. Whether its current or historical.
See I don't know when this was written. And I still find it interesting how people 'label' metal, think of people who listen to it, etc. Whether its current or historical.

Here's a secret - the Village Voice isn't going to be reviewing a 1984 release from marginally successful metal band in 2007...