The way out is in

White Rabbit

Sep 4, 2001
cerebral cortex
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The artificial distinction which we must transcend is that of the external and the internal.
Changing the external world has been the obsession of our civilization. We face outward and move objects about with astonishing efficiency. But now we are becoming aware of a disturbing imbalance. We have become aware of the undiscovered universe WITHIN... the uncharted regions of consciousness.
The cycle has occurred in the lives of many cultures and individuals..... external material success is followed by disillusion and the basic "why" questions... and then by the discovery of the world within--a world infinitely more complex and rich than the artifactual structures of the outer world (which after all are, in origin, projections of human imagination).
Eventually, the logical conceptual mind turns on itself... it seems to recognize the foolish inadequacy of the flimsy systems it imposes on the world, suspends its own rigid control, and overthrows the domination of cognitive experience. Breaking down the game veil.
It's all a game. Really, all human behaviors can best be understood in terms of "games". Its a pretty sub-versive, meta-social concept really... you are not just the role that you and society have fabricated for you... you are flexible. Local games that frusterate and torment can be seen in the broader evolutionary dimension. You can find a humerous detachment from social pressures, an amused-cynical liberation from 'hive' pressures.
A person who can stand outside or above their culture can often cut through games-rules to what is most relevant to survival and peace of mind.
The politics of the nervous system involves the mind against the brain, the universal brain-body versus the local cultural mind, and then the tyrannical verbal brain disassociating itself from the organism and world of which it is a part... censoring, alerting, evaluating. The uncensored cortex, activated, alert, open to new realities and imprints.
Thus appears something rather transcendental... freedom from the learned, cultural mind. The freedom to expand one's consciousness beyond artifactual cultural knowledge. The freedom to move from constant preoccupation with the verbal games, the social games, the game of self... to the joyous unity of what exists beyond...

So we seek to open up these 'potential forms of consciousness' and to overthrow the domination of the conceptual.

aborgines callit the DREAMTIME...

Have fun white rabbit,
aborgines callit the DREAMTIME...

Dreamtime?? I thought it was called drinking a GALLON of turps and then stumbling around town asking every "cunt" for his "Winny Blues"
