The "What are you REALLY thinking about?" thread

get death metal:
Vital Remains
Spawn of Possesion

black metal:
Anaal Nathrakh
Funeral Mist
I need falsetto's guys! HIGH WANKING VOICES!

Especially for the freeway, when we plow down the road at 90mph (I have a nissan truck, this is as fast as I can go - no making fun!)
Atm I'm thinking I need a hug as all my friends have been horrid to me :( Ah well

Freya xXx

My friends at my current school can be assholes (to me and eachother).

Heres an example:
friend1: Did any of you see the new quote on my facebook?
friend2: I just get on, talk to people and get off.
me: Same
friend2: No you don't, you invited me to a group called "the only good music is Classic Rock".
me: No, it was called "There's more good music than Classic Rock".

They insult eachother about how they went out with fat chicks or have ugly girlfriends. But I just stay the fuck out.