The "who said this?" game, where you dig out old RC quotes and people have to guess

Hey mother fuckers, Im pretty sure im spelling correctly but im not positive. Anyways i just got back from ireland wiht one of my mates and it was fucking sweet and im drunk etc etc. Any of you bitches and hoes been to Ireland? I couldn't believe some of the scenery i saw, it was truely killer, ill have pics soon...yay thrash till death etc etc woooo.

Who said it?
The Olympic Games, like everything else on the global stage, are about economics. The reason they're in Greece? Apparently your shit-ass economy needs a boost, so your mum & poppa can afford some new goats.

When it comes to non-musical topics, you disgust me, and I find it pathetic you not only live in the same country as I do, but spent a good deal of your past sucking up undeserved unemployment from the very government you loathe.

Now you really are a fucking dumb motherfucker. I'll just leave it at that. I got a job 5 weeks ago moron, a REAL job. You know, one that required a college education and strong resume to be able to get. I didn't fill out an application, so I understand if you can't connect with that. So don't fucking talk to me about being busy, or having responsibility.

It's like poetry in motion... :Spin:
Those have to be gugs. Whenever someone tells you how much better they are at everything in life, it's gugs. :loco:
Demilich said:
the key is that i don't have 'mates.' i have a girlfriend and absolutely NO other friends! also, i never say anything quotable.
I appreciate the kind words of support from those of you who have posted here, and those who have pm'd, wanting to know the real truth. I thank you all.


Me and my wife are rolling on the floor on how you have managed to duck every question posed to you, and how one disagreement led to me being fired from a volunteer position. Because, you have yet to site any other instances.... Yeah, you try to sugar coat to appease your forum followers.... however, you talk shit behind people's backs and then play your poker face when it suits you. Seems you've been doing it to me for some time now... not to mention other forum readers...

I like the statement from the one person who joked that they weren't even aware that RC was a webzine.

And that's the problem, RC is no longer relevant to the metal scene. How can it be if it's not keeping up with the pace. Too much time spent on a message board, and not enough time on reviews, etc.

Jay quit lying through your fucking teeth. You specifically wanted to do away with all labels and promos, so yeah, if you want tor ead about new music and what to waste your money on and what not to waste your money on, keep an eye out for my future endeavors. If you want to read about some fucking band that recorded their cd in the fucking garage and has only pressed 100 copies, then by all means, stick with RC.

It's funny you make no mention of Evil C on your team, either in present tense or past.... and the fact that you like to boast about your "blood, sweat and tears", blah, blah, blah... fool, if it wasn't for me and the others, you would have NO FUCKING CONTENT TO UPLOAD!!! lol

And what have you done that no other zine or webmaster does that makes you sooooo special?? In one of your emails (which weren't 30+, by the way, another lame lie), you say you are so deserving of a guest list spot... why??? What have you done that separates you from the rest, besides piss in the face of the same labels that sent you stuff to provide content?

Dude, your excuses are lame, you know full well that everyone was ready to pitch in to help when you came crying to all of us about your near nervous breakdown and financial costs, etc... regardless of your new ideology that people who volunteer shouldn't help pay....

Out of the originals listed, how many are still around, besides your wife? And how many of those, aside from Gugs actually carried much weight??


Who's your daddy?