The Whore your Band Thread

bobvex said:
My old band, punk rock with metal tendancies. Made up of all my best friends back in California. damn good, IMO. i could have done a lot for them, musically. but life took over.

what are you in now?
Raistlin Majere said:
moltar somewhy sounds weird

har har
hey guys this isnt my band but it is my best friends band called NONEXISTENT and i take pictures for them and film there videos ... this video im posting isnt actually 1 of the whole videos ive taken this 1 is just from a digital camera so the sound isnt the best .. but its the fade to black solo by metallica .. once i get the cords to hook my video camera to my computer ill post some wicked maiden songs n shit , the lead guitarist name is JOEY HIDEG , hes fucking amazing and 1 day his name will be known very well .. hes extremely determined and practices constantly ...anyways hope u enjoy
hey guys this isnt my band but it is my best friends band called NONEXISTENT and i take pictures for them and film there videos ... this video im posting isnt actually 1 of the whole videos ive taken this 1 is just from a digital camera so the sound isnt the best .. but its the fade to black solo by metallica .. once i get the cords to hook my video camera to my computer ill post some wicked maiden songs n shit , the lead guitarist name is JOEY HIDEG , hes fucking amazing and 1 day his name will be known very well .. hes extremely determined and practices constantly ...anyways hope u enjoy... there known for being a maiden cover band .. there workin on originals and have a few but the singer sucks and they need someone to hit higher notes
sinstorm fucking rules !!.. but would be way better with a better singer . sorry dude lol . i love the fuckin guitars though \m/