The Wicker Man (2006)

See the original first, Robo. Christopher Lee is in it... Quite the scary flick. The release date for this one does not bode well for it. September and February are the graveyard for movies. Studios tend to release the movies that have not tested well, or are just downright crap in September and February. Sad that Nicolas Cage has 2 movies coming out on those months, "The Wicker Man" in September and "Ghost Rider" in February...

I hope they've not screwed with the ending.
This explains the title:
RoboCaster said:
Yea I could tell it's been Americanized, but I believe the original is set in England.

Yeah, the original is set in England. It is set on an island. The main character, the cop Nic Cage plays on this one, goes to the island the investigate the disappearance of a girl. If I remember correctly, she's not a little girl, but older... more like a teen (I have to see it again... bought the DVD once Brave New World came out). Christopher Lee is the "leader" on the island. The ending is totally screwed up. I'm hoping the American version ends the same way... but I'm not holding my breath...

SPOILER (Highlight to read)

I'm revealing the end of the movie... Don't highlight if you don't what to know...

I've warned you.....

Highlight to read :)

Christopher Lee is the leader of a group of pagans who sacrifice a virgin for the harvest. That is what happened to the girl and what happens to the cop in the end. The vifgin is burned inside the wicker man.