the word shitbrick


My name is Distance
Dec 22, 2001
Columbus, Ohio
I think this word kicks ass and should herefore be considered the word to use in all situations.

For example, we shall imagine a conversation between two fine chaps, who shall henceforth be referred to as Jim Bob and Joe Bob.

Jim Bob:
Hello Joe Bob!

Joe Bob:
Shut up, shitbrick. You know, you really are a shitbrick, shitbrick. You fucking shitbrick!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jim Bob:
Let's drink us some beer and chaw some bakkie!!

Joe Bob:
You think I'd do that with you, shitbrick? I'd rather shit a brick, shitbrick.

Jim Bob:
I heard Megadeth has a new album, Joe Bob. I heard it done has Travis Tritt on vocals!

Joe Bob:
That sounds like it would suck a SHITBRICK!!!!

Jim Bob:
But... it's pure metuhl you dumbass fucking cocknocking ass motherfucker shitbrick-saying spaghetti-eating country-listening butthole-sucking ass-penetrating anal violator!
I like Fuckstain...

I think fuckstain should become a mainstream insult...

For example...

Jim: Why the hell did you do that?

Bob: Fuck you, you stupid fuckstain. Your just a mutated fuckstain from your mother's herpes infested cunt you assclown fuckstain!