A study on the usage a word can have


Sep 10, 2001
not there
Perhaps one of the most interesting words in the English language today is the word “fuck”. Out of all of the English word that begin with the letter “f” fuck is the only words that is referred to as the “f-word”. It is one magical word. Just by its bound can describe pain, pleasure, hate and love. “Fuck”, as most word in the English language is derived from German the word “flichen”, which means to strike. In English “fuck” falls into many grammatical categories.
As a transitive verb for instance: “John fucks Shirley”;
as an intransitive verb: “Shirley fucks”.
Its meaning is not always sexual; it can be used
as an adjective, such as: “John ‘s doing all the fucking work”,
as part of an adverb: “Shirley talks too fucking much”,
as an adverb, enhancing an adjective: “Shirley is fucking beautiful”,
as a noun: “I don’t give a fuck”,
as part of a word: “absofuckinglutely”, or “infuckingcredible”
and as almost every word in the sentence: “Fuck the fucking fuckers”.
As you must realize there are not many words with the versatility of “fuck”. As in these examples describing situations such as
dismay: “Ah, fuck it”,
trouble: “I guess I am really fucked now!”,
aggression: “Don’t fuck with me buddy!”,
difficulty: “I don’t understand this fucking question”,
inquiry: “Who the fuck was that?”,
dissatisfaction: “I don’t like what the fuck is going on here”,
incompetence: “He is a fuck off”,
dismissal: “Why don’t you go outside and play hide and go fuck yourself?”.
I am sure that you can think of many more examples. With all these multi purpose applications, how can anyone be offended when you use the word? We say use this unique flexible word more oftenly in your daily speech. It will identify the quality of your character immediately. Say it loudly and proudly: “FUCK YOU”.

taken from Premonition's study which is included in "Fame has a price" CD.
Does anyone know where the word "fuck" originates?


From what I recall, back in the days of yore, when people were punished for a crime and put in stockades, their crime was written on the stockade. Since the word "rape" wasn't formally introduced then, the term was "fornication under carnal knowledge," which, when abbreviated, spells f.u.c.k.

Got that from a professor years ago when I screamed fuck in high school and escaped suspension by writing a page essay on the origin of the word.

I wish I had a camera when I turned in that "fuckin'" paper...LOL. Don't know how valid it is, but food for thought.