It´s not something I´ll pursue anytime soon but it´s psychologically haunting me for a long time, so I´ll just make a hypothetical question:
If you had a project labeled as Electronic Death metal, which means lots of traditional death metal riffing but very heavily loaded with tons of synth pads, keyboards, strings, techno beats, wierd drum fx sounds, samples etc. and wouldn´t want to go the "easy" way in just playing to a backing track. Instead YOU, the creator of the whole thing would like to take the stand as the band´s keyboardist/sampler, how would yo go about it? Gear reccomendations? go the laptop way or just preload samples and sounds and use only the keys/samplers? Of course having more than one gadget (one keyboard/midi controller and one sampler at least) is a lot cooler looking IMO than just one keyboard or less (I recently saw a post-rock which had a big fat guy on a macbook surfing facebook and banging his head to the beat while checking status updates *I mean using a macbook and nothing else, didn't even seem like he was moving much in the laptop so it looked like at the beggining of every song he pushed play on the backing track just headbanged to the beat).
I'm thinking the best way to go would be using a powerful, reliable laptop to control everything and maybe ableton live (never used it, but heard it's specially good for live situations, obviously) and one of those controller with buttons for triggering samples and some faders for doing wierd sweeps live and for extra eyecandy, and a keyboard or midi controller for normal keyboards/strings parts instead of triggering beats and samples. I would still probably use a click track to back the whole band up and have everything detailed including seques into other songs and everything.
It would also be cool for people with experience on this to use this thread to share thoughts and experiences on the subject, since I haven't seen much on this on the forum
If you had a project labeled as Electronic Death metal, which means lots of traditional death metal riffing but very heavily loaded with tons of synth pads, keyboards, strings, techno beats, wierd drum fx sounds, samples etc. and wouldn´t want to go the "easy" way in just playing to a backing track. Instead YOU, the creator of the whole thing would like to take the stand as the band´s keyboardist/sampler, how would yo go about it? Gear reccomendations? go the laptop way or just preload samples and sounds and use only the keys/samplers? Of course having more than one gadget (one keyboard/midi controller and one sampler at least) is a lot cooler looking IMO than just one keyboard or less (I recently saw a post-rock which had a big fat guy on a macbook surfing facebook and banging his head to the beat while checking status updates *I mean using a macbook and nothing else, didn't even seem like he was moving much in the laptop so it looked like at the beggining of every song he pushed play on the backing track just headbanged to the beat).
I'm thinking the best way to go would be using a powerful, reliable laptop to control everything and maybe ableton live (never used it, but heard it's specially good for live situations, obviously) and one of those controller with buttons for triggering samples and some faders for doing wierd sweeps live and for extra eyecandy, and a keyboard or midi controller for normal keyboards/strings parts instead of triggering beats and samples. I would still probably use a click track to back the whole band up and have everything detailed including seques into other songs and everything.
It would also be cool for people with experience on this to use this thread to share thoughts and experiences on the subject, since I haven't seen much on this on the forum