The world's most underrated metal band is..

TRrEiTxIxRiE DTrash

New Metal Member
Apr 14, 2001

Why did these guys never get big? Nobody ever talks about them.

They have a distinctive sound, the shock factor, outrageous image and stage show, lots of attitude, Lizzy has a great and unique voice, they have great songs.... they have all the ingredients to have been huge, but never were.

I put it down to just having bad management/promotion.

Everybody who hears Lizzy Borden ends up loving it and saying it rocks, but even people I know who are full-out '80s metalheads often say "Lizzy Borden, hmmm I've heard of them, what are they like?"

They should've been huge I think hehe.

Anybody here a fan or anything?

This post was inspired by today's purchase of their first live album "The Murderess Metal Road Show" on double vinyl hehe.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Heheh I'm not sure if that's just a joke coz I wrote that, or if you really want to know and used that line to add a joke into the reply hahahaha! So I will give a rundown for those who aren't sure anyway:

Theatrical shock rock/heavy metal/hair metal heheh.

Kinda like a lighter sounding WASP, with Maiden/Priest touches here and there, a bit of Kiss and Motley Crue thrown in, King Diamond type themes and "twisted" feel in places and a bit of a similarity in the vocal style but not as high, and a very Alice Cooper style stage show (women in black lace tied up, Lizzy weilding an axe, blood everywhere, etc).

I was just reading some stuff on the net then, all these people who saw Malmsteen in 2001 with Lizzy as the support band were like "I've never seen a headliner be upstaged by the support act so much!" hehehe.
Lizzy Borden took an axe
And gave her mother forty whacks
When she saw what she had done
She gave her father forty-one

Why don't they teach kids nursery rhymes like that anymore? I guess it's because they don't want them to grow up psychopaths. Tragic waste of potential really...

Now as for Lizzy Borden the band, I've heard *of* them but never heard them. Have to keep my eyes open at future record fairs I think.