"The X Factor" Appreciation Thread


May 21, 2002
North Bethesda, Maryland
Wow...words can't express how amazing this album really is! It's so unique, brilliant and powerful (not that I expected anything less from Maiden) but this has some of the best melodies I ever heard from them. I'm really really happy Blaze was in the band for awhile cause it brought out a really emotional and dark side in Iron Maiden...hmmm it's almost undescribeable...as if they were young again...and this can also be reflected on their releases after The X Factor...I think this album was the evolutionary start for this diverse sound and it should be praised alot more as well as Blaze Bayley! :worship: :hotjump: :headbang:

The X factor would have been a great album if it had a good production, a better guitarrist and a better vocalist. The aftermath, sign of the cross and man on the edge are the only songs i can stand.

The XFactor sounds like a cheap Maiden cover band with Meatloaf on vocals. The playing and production are shit along with alot of the lyrics. Maiden were in a bad place in the 90s, they can blame it on grunge but the fact they released nothing but crap albums didn't help.

BNW and DOD shit all over all the albums Maiden made in the 90s.

No Prayer for a Decent Album
Fear of a Studio Bill
The Suck Factor
Virtual Donkey Shit