the_preppy gave me AIDS


Nov 8, 2001
New York City, and bunny soap, and jelly bracelets (which are too big for my wrists, but which will make a nice chain). thanks!!

what kind of soap is it...cinnamon? i can't quite tell. i opened the envelope and then ran to the kitchen and then sat down and rooted through it...i sniffed it and was like "holy shit is this WEED SOAP?!?" before i realised my roommate had taken a bong hit in the interval of me leaving the room.
yes it's cinnamon and vanilla! woohoo.
i am wearing 5 of the jelly bracelets myself today. i like when they're not tight b/c i always am afraid stuff will get stuck on my arm.
dude i totally MADE that soap by hand. i rule.
i like when theyre not tight, too, but i honestly have the skinniest wrists in the world--if i tuck in my thumb at all, the bracelet falls all the way to my KNUCKLES. heh.

you made the soap?? it's really cool! i was pushing down some of the bubbles and playing with it last night and figuring out if i should use it as hand soap or shower soap. i hope you didn't pull a fight club with the materials-gathering for it, though.
no it's a non-human, also vegan, also organic soap with no chemicals. i totally made it! i was going to send you a ginger one but then i figured you'd definitely try to eat it by accident and then i'd feel bad :(

i too have the smallest wrists ever. i am holding back my bracelets a tighter bunny bracelet. it's all about placement...
HAH i almost tried to eat it--i was suspicious that it might actually be candy (even though you called it soap) and it smelled really good and vanilla-y.

and i have to confess: i did take a bite of one of the jelly bracelets. it occurred to me that they looked kind of like red licorice!

ok, yeah, i'll see if i can squeeze the bracelets higher up on my arm, like maybe my withered bicep area.
you can also staple the bracelets into your arm. an idea i had in the 3rd grade which admittedly did not pan out as i thought it would.
i made over 50 bars of peppermint soap shaped like snowflakes for my friend's wedding shower and i think at least three people tried to eat them even though there was a little silver note attached to the decorative bag that said 'soap! do not eat'.
avi, you can just use glycerine extracts. you can find most of the stuff like on i got a referral there for a natural source in NYC.
there's some really easy stuff to start with avi, you just melt it and pour it. it's neat. that's how i started, then i got my own ingredients and went from there after a while.
there's some sort of soap-making shop out here, but I can't go in cuz it smells too strongly. I figured it wasn't hard, I just didn't know where to begin.