Theocracy - Ghost Ship

My biggest guilty admission is that I haven't given Theocracy any time. I know they're highly regarded but I'm uncomfortable with the Christian metal premise...I'd hate to be preached to even if the music itself is really enjoyable. I should probably get over it & just enjoy the tunes, it just feels more wrong to me to have a religious agenda, I'd feel like I was having propaganda pushed on me.

Am I alone in this?
If they're not preachy and ramming it down your throat then I'll give them a fair second shot and listen through their discog.

I can think of plenty harmful christian values out there so it's really encouraging to hear they're way more impartial than I was aware.
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There's no preaching going on here guys and, as I am the son of a church minister, I detect that kind of thing quite quickly.

Quite simply I've not enjoyed an album so much for a long time.

Me and Ash were listening to it in the car last weekend and once it had finished we were deciding what to put on next. New Hammerfall? New Vicious Rumors? Nope....we listened to Ghost Ship again
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