Theocracy On TVTropes

Martyr's Crown

Feb 23, 2010
The Kingdom
So last night, I noticed a conspicuous lack of a TVTropes page for Theocracy. This was not surprising, since TVTropes is much less popular than Wikipedia, and Theocracy isn't an incredibly famous band. So I took the liberty of creating a page for them, and advertizing it on here so people will add to it.
For those who don't know (probably all of you, unfortunately), TVTropes is a wiki cataloguing the tricks of the trade for writing fiction. Despite the name, it covers all media, including music.
The link to the page:
Please don't add to the page unless you're relatively familiar with TVTropes, because we want this to be a well-made page.
Coolio. Glad to see them getting mentioned more on the internet! BTW off topic but I'm gonna change my rank to Theocratic Fanatic