Theocracy saved my life


Destroyin' The Beasts
Jun 5, 2013
I was actually going astray from god, wanted to kill myself, was losing all hope. Then I discovered Theocracy. Thank you so much. I wouldn't be here without you. :headbang:
That's an unreal story, and I'm sure one that's very flattering for the band. Glad to hear you're still with us.

It's amazing the power music has to get people through tough times. It's certainly kept me "sane" of all of these years.
My case is not that extreme but am getting into hard times and listening "I am" song really gives me strenght to keep going on.

Amazing song, but when I sing it, I trade "I am" for "You are" so I sing and pray at the same time
wow, I came here to write a similar thread! I WAS about to throw myself in front of a bus, then heard 'On Eagle's Wings'. The passion and the power in that chorus brought me to tears and saved me, so again Matt, Shawn and guys, thanks for being a vehicle that has saved at least 1 life! Now, as I say in every possible forum I can to you, COME TO AUSTRALIA!!
Not to get all technical and nit-picky but...although Theocracy can certainly have a great, positive influence, only God can save lives! :)
wow, I came here to write a similar thread! I WAS about to throw myself in front of a bus, then heard 'On Eagle's Wings'. The passion and the power in that chorus brought me to tears and saved me, so again Matt, Shawn and guys, thanks for being a vehicle that has saved at least 1 life! Now, as I say in every possible forum I can to you, COME TO AUSTRALIA!!

Exactly, you put it very well, "passion and power". That is the real underlying power behind all their music, you can tell the passion they have, because it comes through very powerfully, through rhythm, melody, and most of all lyrics. :headbang: