"Theoretically Speaking" DVD

Javier B.

Nov 7, 2005
Hi guys. This thread is to know your ideas and suggestions about Ron´s DVD. Ron asked for our help in another thread, but maybe, many of u guys didn´t notice ´cause the thread title was different.
Not sure if I understood that ^, but if I did, that'd be interesting. Explaining the 'lyrical theory' behind the songs- I remember a long ass post by Ron talking about each line in that song, about how a Dallas QB would throw the ball to a receiver whose number was 88, and that was 'hitting between the 8's' or something. I'm dying to know any other weird stuff Ron came up with for the other songs.
Right, and that when he hit him between the 8's, he was "ON".

That's some of the most bizarre shit I've ever heard. But also in the metal maniacs interview he talks about how the verse to that song spells out BIT in ASCII or something like that.
Ron, do you mainly use standard notation, or guitar tabs?

I think tabs are easier to sight read, but I'm also pretty familiar with standard notation, and it makes it alot easier to transfer between instruments. I'd like to hear your opinion on this.
Here's the morse code section. It happens at :42, during the verses.


Tune to drop D.

The letter B is _...
The letter I is ..
The letter T is _

The dashes are being represented by the C# G C# diminished 5th intervals being held out, the dots are represented by the short drop Ds. There are 4 measures in the phrase, but the 2nd measure is cut short. So it actually spells out...


About the tab question, I use tab quite a bit. I use it after I've done all the theoretic figuring, timing, etc... For me, tab is the best way to know exactly where you are playing (as opposed to "positions"). What I don't care for at all is when guitar players only know tab, and don't know what the hell they are doing theoretically. That leads to no sense of timing, scales, chords, difficulty trying to relate to other players musically, no direction whatsoever when writing, etc... Just a bunch of "shredding" going nowhere.

Man...that was great!!! I can´t wait to get your DVD, and learn all of the other aspects like chromatic alphabet...you´re the best!
"What I don't care for at all is when guitar players only know tab, and don't know what the hell they are doing theoretically. That leads to no sense of timing, scales, chords, difficulty trying to relate to other players musically, no direction whatsoever when writing, etc... Just a bunch of "shredding" going nowhere."

Hm? You don't need to know standard notation to know what you're doing theoretically. I admit I'm not very 'notation-literate', I can figure out notes if I'm given a minute or 2, but I don't recognize chords or scales or anything like that. But that doesn't mean I don't apply theory to stuff I write. I've used the 12 tone circle, (I know that's not 'established' theory, but it still is a form of theory.) The timing part I can somewhat understand. Notation would be easier, but that doesn't necessarily mean a tab-only reader isn't going to be able to distinguish eighth notes from triplets or whatever. You can still recognize chords and scales in tabs, too.. The shredding part I can't really relate to- I'm not really at 'shred status' yet.

Well whatever. That may have been confusing a wee bit. I meant no disrespect by the way, it may have come off that way though. I was just saying.
Maybe before each demonstration, give the piece a difficulty rating so people have a better idea of where to kind of start at in the dvd if they want to learn it.

And will the tablature be shown for pieces that are played if they're not already on the site? Either in a special feature area where it's a still picture, or better yet, have them scroll across the bottom of the screen, like on tv sing-a-longs, where they have each word highlighted as it's sung, this time notes are highlighted when they're played. That'd be awesome.