There are Bullys in the Parade, and they're downtuned! (AxeFX-RATM style)


Jocke Skog
Jan 8, 2007
Stockholm - Sweden
We were called "The European answer to Rage Against The Machine" back in the days when we sold 500,000+ albums. Journalists even tried to make a "RATM vs. Clawfinger", but we just laughed it off. Ah, sweet memories.

Great fun to record this little tune. It's not the same song (copyright stuff), but I think at least the solo got the same vibe. ;) I did a bass split with a distorted version panned a bit to the left, and the cleaner bass panned to the centre, so it's a bit too loud, but it sounds good, so I'll take care of that later...maybe. ;)

Let me hear what you think.

that bass sound is pretty sick - keep it up! Snare sounds good, definitely reminds me of bulls on parade even with the fills. I listened to Morello's new streetsweeper free mp3s at and its always interesting how he takes some loops and makes em so complex the way the bass, guitar and drums meld together.
That bass sound is obscenely good.

The character of the mix reminds me of Converge - No Heroes.
The bass and guitar have almost like melded completely in sound to become one instrument.

Sounds really fucking good dude. SERIOUSLY BEEFY