There is a greek phrase...


Forget it
Mar 28, 2003
In a cuckoo's clock
"The good day is showing itself from the morning" That means that however you wake up and you spend your time in the morning this is how you will be feeling the rest of the day.

So, today for me is not a good day! I woke up, signed in the icq and started a conversation with a friend while drinking my coffee. He asked me to tell him a song to download that is kind of "heavy". So, I decided to tell him The "Digerdoden" from Thyrfing. What was his reaction?? "hmm...i don't like the voice, it reminds me of sepultura, then savatage and then kreator! It is not my problem if they copy other bands!!!"
Now, tell me how I should the end of the conversation I wanted to break my computer screen....

this is how my day started today and i find it difficult to study now....i have to relax...

so, what about you then? how did your day start?
IOfTheStorm said:
what do u expect now ?
That was an answer of a Greek .. i dont think others will bother reading the thread ..

i don't think i got your point...
why shouldn't they bother of a greek's opinion? what's the problem with that?

and at the end of the day my final question wasn't to critisise this guy's opinion, was it?
My day started pretty much the same as usual... my alarm went off at 7:15am, I groaned and thumped the alarm clock. Thrust open curtains, shield eyes from sunlight, stagger across room, stub toe on guitar amp, stagger downstairs, wash, clothe self, eat, go to bus stop and head to work. So, not too good... hehehe