There is nothing like SWAMPSONG album

Swampsong and The Black Waltz. I can't choose only one. They will return and swamplord are also great albums with great songs, but on the whole they seem to be not as solid as the other ones.
Swamplord is not only my favorite Kalmah album, it's my favorite from all albums ever created! Each and every song in it is awesome! So here goes:

01 Swamplord
02 Swampsong
03 They Will Return
04 The Black Waltz
Swamplord is the best album, hands down
tie between swampsong and TWB(can't make up my mind)
They Will Return .. the last
Swampsong edges Swamplord for best album, IMHO...just a little bit better overall. TWR is good, but not one that gets heavy rotation, and one of these days I'll actually get around to buying TBW so I can see the big vocal difference everyone is talking about. I have a feeling I'm going to be a bit disappointed in the change in vocal style...I really dig Pekka's higher pitched raspy tones.