You might get some funny looks if you walk around telling people that you're "looking for boob"... :) but it probably won't take you long to find someone who knows me. We're kinda like a big, happy family. :)
booB said:
The part of town that Powerfest is in will also become a factor, of that I am 100% certain. I already know of several people who don't plan on coming next year if it's held in the same place. It seems like it would be more ideal for locals to come than out-of-towners (since travel isn't easy in that area), and I don't truly know why the locals didn't show up, but the location may be a factor.

I agree with Bob.

This is in no way meant to "bash" the hard work that Chris, Rob, John and company did in putting this fest together, but I doubt I will come next year if it is in the same location. It sucked being in a place where NOTHING (and I mean NOTHING -- restaurants, venue, stores, etc) was in walking distance and where cabs wouldn't even show up! I know of people who called cabs from the hotel to get to the venue, and even though the cab company said they were coming, they never showed up. This is very inconvenient for us out-of-towners -- being stuck out in the middle of nowhere and having to rely on others for transportation. Linda and I did look into renting a car, but it was rather pricey. I'm not saying I need to be in the ritziest (is that a word?) part of town, but being in an area where I can walk to restaurants/stores/venue would be much more preferable -- I went to Powerfest in 2005 and that area worked really well, since I could walk to anything except the airport. :)

Everything else about the fest was great. The show went very smoothly (well, from where I was standing at least! :)) and the bands ROCKED. And as always, it is great seeing old friends and making new ones as well. :headbang:

Again, this isn't meant to be a "rant" so much as to provide feedback that I hope will improve things in the future to ensure that Powerfest can continue to grow and succeed.
Actaully, I'd be interested to hear more details of how you guys put together the advertising. I'm hosting a festival in June that I'm modeling after Powerfest :D so I'm all ears! But then, why would a magician give away his secrets...

For what it's worth - I think you guys did a helluva job, and I envy your success!! Hence I'm following your lead! Keep blazin' the path, fellas - you've got what it takes!

Maybe next year you can round up a few mob guys to go "recruit" attendees :lol:
Thanks everyone, we certainly appreciate the kind words and
constructive criticisms, most of which have been nothing we
haven't been discussing all year between the three of us.

Anyway, we'll see what next year holds.......besides Ralf holding
my sack, of course, :lol: .....but I guarantee it will be quite an
event nonetheless. :kickass:
Every festival takes a while to gain "nationwide" and "worldwide" recognition. There is no doubt that many metalheads worldwide who travel for shows will be considering placing Chicago Powerfest in their travel schedules for 2007. Good job guys!

As far as having locals, I see nothing wrong with it. I have booked shows myself and know the costs involved, esp with the number of bands this year who were flown from overseas.

My only comment regarding what might have possibly hurt attendance (or maybe a better term would be "what might have increased attendance") would be the location. There are lots of people who live in the city who do not have cars. Chicago Heights is not easy to get to without a car.
Chris Lotesto said:
haha....figured someone would and glad it was you. haha excellent point about the Dragonforce gig and the whole
"new guard" type of thing in another post of yours....

Hey, I'm usually around for your bad moments, remember. ;)

I've actually been amazed - since we played with Sonata Arctica, the front row of our shows is young enough to be my kids. Hey, maybe some of 'em are! :lol: