Powerfest pwned! (or: The Un-Review)


Señor Member
Mar 25, 2003
Cleveland, OH USA
I don't give a fuck* about writing a review of it -- especially considering that others have done a much better job than I'm likely to do -- but the fest was awesome from start to finish, and may those of you who missed it be eaten to death by rabid hamsters.

One thing I noticed was that the no in/out policy, and the fact that the kitchen was closed, didn't seem to bother too many people as far as I could tell. Then again, I don't know whether merch and vendor sales suffered as a casualty of no ins/outs, or not. Myself, I had cargo pants with large pockets, inside which I could store any cds I bought, and I saved my shirt buying for the end of the night.

One thing that could be rectified before next year is the fact that those of us who forgot our earplugs at the hotel room didn't have any way to protect our ears. Earplugs should always be made available at a show like this, where no one is allowed to leave and come back. CR&J could have sold earplugs along with the fest merch and brought in some extra cash; I know several people** forgot their earplugs on the first night and probably would have been willing to spend five bucks or whatever on a pair.

It was nice meeting those people I met for the first time, and a blast seeing/partying with folks again. And to CR&J... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do this again next year... I know it's easy for me to beg, when it's not my money and hard work going toward the event every year... but I think this year's fest went much more smoothly and had a much better location than last year's event, and if word gets around, this could be the start of bigger and better things to come!


* Inside joke.

** Including myself.
I was glad I remembered my earplugs, because they definitely came in handy. It was fun to meet you, booB. I, too, saved the merchandise buying until the end of the evening. Which was good, because a lot of venues like to kick people out right after the show ends (I'm talking about you, Chicago House of Blues).
Damn! I knew we forgot something!!! We had earplugs for sale last year & they sold out in a heartbeat. Thanks for the reminder! I'll make a note of it & if there's another fest, we'll make sure to make those available.
Just a hint for people missing earplugs in the future: my 'standard' earplugs are bits of toilet paper jammed in my ears. I find they work better than anything else I've tried. They might not work as well for everyone, but in a pinch, they're a hell of a lot better than nothing!

Of course, if you're in a complete dive of a venue, you might not even be able to find toilet paper (it's happened to me, so I always try to remember to bring my own), but I'm assuming that wouldn't have been a problem at The Pearl Room.

I have never worn earplugs in my 20+ years of attending live music.
I am sure I will come to regret it someday.

I wonder if it's the reason my wife claims that I have "selective hearing" :lol:
I have never worn earplugs in my 20+ years of attending live music.
I am sure I will come to regret it someday.

I wonder if it's the reason my wife claims that I have "selective hearing" :lol:

I never used to either. Got my hearing checked and found out that I have hearing loss. I love music too much to risk not wearing them. I want to be listening to metal when I'm 85. I couldn't deal with not being able to listen to music.
I used to never wear earplugs, which is why it wasn't TOO big of a deal that I didn't have them the first night... however, potential health risks aside, I've found that wearing earplugs during a metal show helps me in a lot of ways. I tend to have more energy, both during and after the show, when I wear earplugs, as opposed to when I don't. Also, I've never had a headache or any ringing in my ears after a show where I wore good earplugs, whereas, when I don't, I almost always have a severe headache afterward, as well as having minor difficulties thinking, driving, and having conversations with people.
Huh? What? Huh? Did someone say something???

Ok...OK, I know it isn't a laughing matter.

When I was in bands, I would always wear them during practice.

For whatever reason, I NEVER think to wear them at shows...

I am sure I probably have some degree of hearing loss. :(
How exactly did it start? Just from your ear-popping music in the car? Because you had it before you'd gone to a show before.

I assume it was when I was like 14 and somebody standing next to me had a double barrel shotgun practically explode in their hands. The concussion from the blast knocked me off my feet. My hearing has never been the same since. :cry:
Ear plugs are always a good idea. I make sure my boyfriend has a pair when we go to concerts (whether or not he wears them, I have no control over, but at least he has them!) But he never wears them when his band practices. :(

As for the gun thing: Will, that sucks. :( I've never had any kind of experience like that. The worst I experienced was my first time shooting a 12-guage. The recoil scared the fsck out of me.