Powerfest overall review

So "capacity crowd" does not mean that the venue will make sure you actually get to see the stage?

I have a vague memory of Chris or Rob saying indicating that the number of tickets available for events is less than the number allowed by the fire code (so you could have a "sell out" without reaching true "capacity").

Which is the only way that it would make sense, because if you sold enough tickets to reach the fire code capacity for the entire room (apparently 2400), I have no idea how you would ensure that each sub-section (1st floor, 2nd floor, backstage?) weren't above their individual capacities. You'd need gatekeepers at each section, and a second floor entrance so that you could direct newcomers straight there if the main floor was already at capacity. Even if you allow a fudge-factor by limiting ticket sales to 1800, I still don't know how you guarantee that at least 400 of them go up to the balcony.

On saturday night, the bathrooms under the stairs were opened to the public....

Thanks for the info!

For a "fest" like this (specially since it's 3 days) I couldn't think of a better location. If it was in some of the venues in the city it would be a lot more expensive than in Mokena for attendees.. $80 per night for a room at The Super 8 is ok, the only thing that hotel has in its favor is the location because otherwise it's a craphole.

Yeah, when you start dividing up the hotel cost between 2 or 3 people, it's not bad at all.

all i gotta say

you fucks should be happy it did well, sure there's always shittiness but it's not like I bitched the day after PPUSA because I didn't like VS or because water was 2.50, suck it up homos and let's hope there's more to come and maybe i'll make the trek!

all i gotta say

you fucks should be happy it did well, sure there's always shittiness but it's not like I bitched the day after PPUSA because I didn't like VS or because water was 2.50, suck it up homos and let's hope there's more to come and maybe i'll make the trek!

:rock: :kickass:
See my previous post about what CRJ wants. You should be banned. I hope they do it.

I think it's extremely disrespectful to come in here thinking you can toss shit right at the promoters and totally foolish to expect they'll stand by and do nothing.

I think coming in here and having a discussion about how the overall atmosphere of the show might be improved, understanding that certain facets are beyond the promoters' control, is a pretty sensible thing to do. Problems with ProgPower (reflective tape on the stairs) were resolved thanks to the issue being raised on the forums and people pursuing it. It's a good thing.

- R
Sorry for coming across as a dick about all this, but attacking even the venue is a reflection on us since we chose it & it's also where we had the fest last year & will have it in future years. And saying it outright "SUCKS" definitely puts us on the defense. Plus, the venue manager has done so much to help us out this year & last, that he's part of our family as well...and to bash the way he does things with the PR, is very much like bashing us.

The only legitimate gripe was the bathroom situation, which will be addressed for next year...and not because it was posted here...but because we saw the problem ourselves & was immediately put on our list of things to take care of next year.

Also, if this were a forum open by fans, then you can say whatever you want...but it's not. You can discuss anything you want...both negative & positive about any other subject other than the fest. Being negative about the fest in anyway just simply does not belong HERE!!! As all of you know, there are PLENTY of other forums where you can talk all the shit you want about us, the fest, the venue, this forum, whatever....so why do it here?!

Like I said...would you go to someone's house & talk shit about them or their home?! Only if you're a cunt, right?

To bring it closer to home for some of you (Rich, Amber)...how would you feel if I came to one of your Snappy Weiner parties & while there (or even the next day on your forum if you had one) complained about how long I had to wait for beer, that the beer/booze selection could've been better, how much it sucked that you only had one bathroom for everyone, how much some of the bands sucked, how much the sound quality was poor, whatever. NONE OF WHICH I FOUND ANY FAULT WITH...cuz I don't bitch about shit like that...PLUS, I appreciate all the work you guys did to organize the party. Just making a point. So...would you be cool with that complaining?

Sure...everyone has free speech. HOWEVER, there is a time and a PLACE when & where to say certain things....and the time is certainly not now...and the place is CERTAINLY not HERE!!

Also, there is NO other forum that would allow such shit talking of the hosts...certainly not the ProgPower forum, where many of the complainers used to or still do hang out a lot. And now, I'll admit, that Glenn has had every right to warn or ban the people over there that have shown him similar disrespect. At first it was cool to not to censor here...freedom of speech on the Pfest board...we're cool like that...bla bla bla. Well...you know what, I was wrong. Give ppl too much freedom & they'll take advantage...just plain human nature for some.

And seriously, if this is policy is not respected, then please....let's see the numbers here dwindle. That certainly won't stop us from doing what we love to do with the fest...and if the board ends up being shut down from lack of interest, then so be it. And maybe that's best...sometimes ignorance is indeed bliss...and if we didn't constantly read all the negative feedback by the anonymous few with their courage behind the keyboard, then maybe we'd feel better about all our efforts in doing this fest.

Shit! Even Bob (Diabolik) is the nicest guy in person...but why does he have to be such a cunt on this board. Why? You know why...

I really am sorry for being so sensitive & defensive here...but look at it this way, if we didn't care so much, there would be no Powerfest...or definitely not to the level it has become. We have a VERY passionate & emotional bond with the fest & everyone who helps & supports us. We are not simply just businessmen/promoters who only care about the bottom dollar. If we were, then we certainly would NOT care what any of you say...because the money would cure all. Unfortunately for some of you, that's not the case.

OK...I think I've said my peace. Go ahead & judge me as you will. I promise you that I will not change the way I am regarding this...and still promise to do my very best along with Chris & John to make Powerfest the best it can be year to year. Love it or leave it!! :Saint:
I think it's extremely disrespectful to come in here thinking you can toss shit right at the promoters and totally foolish to expect they'll stand by and do nothing.

I think coming in here and having a discussion about how the overall atmosphere of the show might be improved, understanding that certain facets are beyond the promoters' control, is a pretty sensible thing to do. Problems with ProgPower (reflective tape on the stairs) were resolved thanks to the issue being raised on the forums and people pursuing it. It's a good thing.

- R

I think you should read the rest of the posts. You will see why I am reacting the way I am.

This is straight from Rob's post. This is his, Chirs' and John's board. If this is how they want "suggestions" to be handled, then this request should be honored and respected...no questions asked.

OKay, I get it.
I respect Rob, Chris and John and give them major kudos for doing this every year. And I can understand how constant negativity can get annoying.
However, (and not to do the whole 'We the People' type thing), but we are the fans...the people who attend the show and are a big part of the monetary return.
Since fans are such a huge part of the fest, I would think talking amongst ourselves in a discussion would be a helpful tool, as long as it is done in a respectful manner.

Edit: Damn...just read your last post, Rob....about "if the forum were opened by fans".
OKay, I get it.
I respect Rob, Chris and John and give them major kudos for doing this every year. And I can understand how constant negativity can get annoying.
However, (and not to do the whole 'We the People' type thing), but we are the fans...the people who attend the show and are a big part of the monetary return.
Since fans are such a huge part of the fest, I would think talking amongst ourselves in a discussion would be a helpful tool, as long as it is done in a respectful manner.

And you know what...I would totally agree wtih that statement. I do. You are absolutely right. But unfortunately, it seems there are too many people here that DON'T do it in a respectful manner.

I know you know what I mean.

See Rob's final post. This is his and C's and J's fest and their board and whatever they want should be done. That's all I'm saying.

In a perfect world, I agree with you. But the world is not perfect...far from it. Rob said it best in his last post:

"Give ppl too much freedom & they'll take advantage...just plain human nature for some."

Edit: Oops...and I see you saw Rob's post based on your edit. ;)
To bring it closer to home for some of you (Rich, Amber)...how would you feel if I came to one of your Snappy Weiner parties & while there (or even the next day on your forum if you had one) complained about how long I had to wait for beer, that the beer/booze selection could've been better, how much it sucked that you only had one bathroom for everyone, how much some of the bands sucked, , how much the sound quality was poor, whatever. NONE OF WHICH I FOUND ANY FAULT WITH...cuz I don't bitch about shit like that...PLUS, I appreciate all the work you guys did to organize the party. Just making a point. So...would you be cool with that complaining?

Oh that's easy...
Rich's pillow serves as a urinal, if you don't like the music, go to the Mountain King's room, where you'll find a plethora of something that you will like, and Danowar can brew you just about any beer you want....including bacon beer for all the guys....because guys love bacon!
Ha Ha!

I hear you dude!
Much respect!
Typically, the way I understand things, is that when you try to be
HELPFUL and offer constructive criticism in a POSITIVE way, you
generally DON'T imply that the people running the event are complete
fucking morons (i'm quite sure we've proven over the 6 years that we've
been doing this, that we are NOT), which is typically the way a select few
around here continue to approach their "suggestions to help."

Well, we're simply tired of this bullshit and tired of reading the same shit
from the same "know-it-all" fucks who simply do nothing more than sit
around, behind their keyboards, and look for ways to pick shit apart and
flex their finger muscles!! We believe very strongly in what we do, for our
love of music and for our love of doing something special for the Chicago
metal scene. If you think you have all the answers, you have an ENTIRE
to put on your own festival and show us how it's
done....please do that or please just FUCK OFF already!!!

This has been a great year, another learning year in many ways, but quite
a monumental year in the development of this festival, and it's just
a goddamn shame that we're addressing a bunch of negative bullshit rather
than concentrating on thanking all the wonderful people that have helped
us, all the great bands that we had the pleasure of working with, the great
fans that supported the fest and the fact that we have finally been able to
plant CHICAGO POWERFEST squarely in the minds of those that matter!!

So, with that being said, a quick thanks to all the wonderful people we
came in contact this year
and this will be my last post until our official
thank you is ready to roll!!

Last but most certainly not least, for those that feel this applies, if you're
even still around, please except this from us in the most dignified and
respectful manner possible! :)