Typically, the way I understand things, is that when you try to be
HELPFUL and offer constructive criticism in a
POSITIVE way, you
DON'T imply that the people running the event are complete
fucking morons (i'm quite sure we've proven over the 6 years that we've
been doing this, that we are NOT), which is typically the way a select few
around here continue to approach their
"suggestions to help."
Well, we're simply tired of this bullshit and tired of reading the same shit
from the same "know-it-all" fucks who simply do nothing more than sit
around, behind their keyboards, and look for ways to pick shit apart and
flex their finger muscles!! We believe very strongly in what we do, for our
love of music and for our love of doing something special for the Chicago
metal scene. If you think you have all the answers, you have an
FUCKING PLANET to put on your own festival and show us how it's
done....please do that or please just
FUCK OFF already!!!
This has been a great year, another learning year in many ways, but quite
a monumental year in the development of this festival, and it's just
a goddamn shame that we're addressing a bunch of negative bullshit rather
than concentrating on thanking all the wonderful people that have helped
us, all the great bands that we had the pleasure of working with, the great
fans that supported the fest and the fact that we have finally been able to
CHICAGO POWERFEST squarely in the minds of those that matter!!
So, with that being said,
a quick thanks to all the wonderful people we
came in contact this year and this will be my last post until our official
thank you is ready to roll!!
Last but most certainly not least, for those that feel this applies, if you're
even still around, please except this from us in the most dignified and
respectful manner possible!