Dark One
The Tainted Dogma
So far, I have to say, I'm very interested in attending. My tastes have been running more to the extreme side lately (Black 'n Roll Metal ala Satyricon, Old Man's Child, Naglfar, Grooving death metal ala Unleashed, Grave, Dismember, Progressive Death Metal ala November's Doom, Viking Black Metal ala Moonsorrow, Thyrfing, Folk metal such as Primordial, Skyclad, etc.) But hell yeah, bring on heavy technical power acts such as Nevermore, Shatter Messiah, Syris
(I wish) or even Iced Earth, or great traditional metal acts like Jag Panzer, Helstar, Manilla Road, etc. any day of the week. More power, more heavy, more energy = more Dark One.
Keep 'em coming.
Keep 'em coming.
