theres an upcoming riot on opeth's forum

Today, 01:42 AM #8 Moonlapse vbmenu_register("postmenu_3626136", true);
And the Drapery Fell...

Location: Melbourne, Australia
Join Date: Apr 2002

I believe it's 'she', which explains the lack of rationale and inherent bias in the poll. wait... did I say that aloud?

»This becoming of one instead of two was the very expression of mankind's ancient need. And the reason is that human nature was originally one and we were a whole, and the desire and pursuit of the whole is called love«
- Plato

if making the Anathema board close was not enough then good luck for the next mission :ill:
Dora said:
if making the Anathema board close was not enough then good luck for the next mission :ill:

listen here smart arse, we all know who caused the closing of the anathema forum, and that person hasnt posted on this thread yet :cool:
zupi_clone said:
the Opeth one is on high priority, it simply has to go

Im morally oppsed to forum warfare *cough*, but the current lack of a forrage feature makes it far more difficult to pin down the point of origin of forum invaders. Which is cool
Bambi said:
Im morally oppsed to forum warfare *cough*, but the current lack of a forrage feature makes it far more difficult to pin down the point of origin of forum invaders. Which is cool

youve been listening to Gerry Adams :tickled: deny everything