There's another Isten out...

Occam's Razor said:
which is?

Authoritative without being demonstrative.

Every time I look at an Isten I keep thinking "I want to do something that projects that same atmosphere"...

... and then I remember that anything I could do would interfere with the word count. It's painful enough having a legible font-size (I took a look through some of the old newsprint issues last night... today's Arial 6.5 is TONS BIGGER than the Times New Roman 6 of years gone) without doing graphic design, haha.
Jim LotFP said:
Authoritative without being demonstrative.

That lies in the eye of the reader. Insinuations, if you get them, are demonstrative as well. I would not say that Lamentations brashly points people into an allegedly proper direction, though.

As for authority, maybe you feel intimidated because Scandinavian writers somehow have a respectful aura around themselves in your opinion - you know, because so much good metal has come from there, you think they know what they are talking about.
Then, it's maybe still your own trauma of having trashed classic Maiden albums in your past writings...:)
Occam's Razor said:
As for authority, maybe you feel intimidated because Scandinavian writers somehow have a respectful aura around themselves in your opinion - you know, because so much good metal has come from there, you think they know what they are talking about.

No, it's more that their mastery of the English language is frightening, and they deal with so many bands I don't know (and probably don't want to) and have the ammunition to fire off questions that showcase a deep knowledge of the surroundings of those bands... their musical world is still a mystery. I suppose if they covered the same bands I do, the greater familiarity with the subjects would kill the aura (but not the appreciation for their wordcraft!).

Occam's Razor said:
Then, it's maybe still your own trauma of having trashed classic Maiden albums in your past writings...:)

I place the blame for this firmly on the shoulders of those who turns metal into a "most brutal" "fastest" "can you top this" exercise at the expense of songs. It's not my fault that Powerslave wasn't the fastest/slowest and most brutal/melodic band without even having a singer that was the highest/lowest ever. :p :p :p :p
I've been intimidated already in school back then when we had a Finnish exchange student who spoke better German than me. Finns are obviously not from this world...I would keep an eye on my wife if I were you. She might be an alien hiding under human skin...:lol:

If I look at their Finn-metal encyclopaedia, I hardly know any band. This country has existed in a musical bubble for ages obviously - just to come to the fore in recent years.
So "better" as in "bad" and not entirely shitty...

No honestly, I don't like that dancing and drinking music with raspy voice and silly distorted guitars. Ensiferum is bottom line...
Reading through this, two things come to my mind (apart from my admiration for the almost poetic quality of the writing):

Nazi stuff like Grand Belial's Key is still considered with too much nonchalance and listened to by people you think should know better.


I have the feeling that allegedly "retro"-acts like Sabbat are completely misrepresented in the German media as fun-bands. What Gezol writes here in his charming English is no bullshit and shows how much care he takes for his music. Probably more than your average progressive band out there...
Arrived in the mail today…

Mikko Mattila said:
Before I’ve even know it, I’ve grown into this guy that wishes he were into metal the way people are into things in general—for the good times. Instead he’s into metal through thick and thin, the blood and the grit, spitting in the wind, stabbing himself in the gut every step of the way.

Profound…true…and insightful…

They have the ability to express just these inexplicable feelings with simple words. You feel like: Man, that's what I wanted to say, that's how I feel.

...and oh, the sense of humor they have.