anyone know how to make a csv file?


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2003
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Ok, I work at a small business so we can't afford fancy programs and getting our mailing list professionally printed. BUT we need to send out a mailing to our customers for our sale, and the lady at the place we do our printing says she can save us money on postage and printing if THEY print our labels. UNFORTUNATELY--they only work with Microsoft Excel formats. We can't afford to buy the program, so she said that if we can get our list into a comma separated value format, they can work with it. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do this. Is there an easy way to do this? My mailing list contains 3,400 addresses--do I have to type it out myself? My data is currently in a word rich text doc--( I had to convert the data from msdos into a text file cause our mailing list is recorded in a dos based program). Can microsoft word create a .csv for me? HELPPPPPP!
dulcetenchantress425 said:
Ok, I work at a small business so we can't afford fancy programs and getting our mailing list professionally printed. BUT we need to send out a mailing to our customers for our sale, and the lady at the place we do our printing says she can save us money on postage and printing if THEY print our labels. UNFORTUNATELY--they only work with Microsoft Excel formats. We can't afford to buy the program, so she said that if we can get our list into a comma separated value format, they can work with it. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do this. Is there an easy way to do this? My mailing list contains 3,400 addresses--do I have to type it out myself? My data is currently in a word rich text doc--( I had to convert the data from msdos into a text file cause our mailing list is recorded in a dos based program). Can microsoft word create a .csv for me? HELPPPPPP!

I highly recommend Open Office: Open Office can convert and save your files to .csv.
It's free.
Corel (wordperfect) is free? I think?

Anyway, a csv file is "comma separated". You can make your file in plain text, and then get a free txt to csv converter on the web, and use that. Or heck, just do it in plain text, one per line, and manually separate every field.

Ex: Joe Bloe,111 Elm St.,Anywhere,NY,10001

Your business should either raise it's margin or broaden it's product base to avoid profit slumps like this -- business software should be counted "as necessary as" a car! Think if you couldn't get your products to your customers (no transport). Where would you be. Also, don't overlook e-marketing.

No, don't pirate Excel. The BSA will crack your skull.

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