Anyone know how to sabatoge a drumset?

Disassemble the kit entirely and put it back together with left-right alignment reversed. Bonus points for rearranging the rest of the room similarly.

Baby oil on the hats could be either very entertaining or horrendously messy, depending on how the rest of the room is set up. With the right lights it looks like nothing has been changed... and then the drummer starts playing.

The best payback wouldn't have anything to do with the kit, though...

Get a few recordings of the lady in question speaking (it doesn't even matter what she's saying) and rearrange them so that a short conversation (preferably one that appears to be about him, unflattering, and ending with an irritated-sounding 'WHAT?') takes place. Practice lip syncing to it with another band member, who will now be referred to as Kingsley for my own amusement. Set this recording up on a well-hidden device in the rehearsal room, with a reasonably loud speaker, in a location that's convenient for both you and Kingsley. Play a bit into the next rehearsal you get, and about halfway through wait for him to fuck up and stop the song. Press play, lip sync with Kingsley, remark that the bridge needs a little work, and start the next song. Never speak of the event again - in fact, convince him that it never took place outside his funny little drummer skull.

There's all sorts of fun ways to fuck with a drummer.

Undo the screws on his throne & set it back up :)

Put "half cuts" in his drumsticks with a hacksaw. ...start jamming & watch the hilarity ensue.

Screw with the tension on his kick pedals. (he'll notice this before he ever notices anything about tuning.)
I'm saving all your ideas for future reference. Thanks for all your input!!!

I just got back from the studio, and BOY OH BOY did I have some fun. :lol:

First off, I filled ALL his toms with assorted things that include his stuff ( Axis longbaords, seat to his throne, sweaty drummer's towel, stick bag, spare felts, drum tuner, practice pad, yada yada yada) and threw in a few pieces of trash that he left on the floor in his little space between the wall.
Second, I covered up the bottom heads from the inside with shirts so he cant cheat and just simply look underneath to find which tom I hid his stuff in. :)
And to top it off, I wrote a lovely message on his toms saying, " These heads sound like shit. Get new heads Eliot. I luz yooz, but NO ONE puts duck butter on my guitar and gets away with it."
I also wrote "Lolololololol..." around the circumference of each head and left a special note saying, "P.S. if you're having trouble finding all your stuff, use THIS to find them. *arrow pointing towards his drum key*

Pics here.

Bottom line, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE fucks with my rig and simply gets away with it. :kickass:

Nice fucking band you've got there. Why don't you crack his cymbals and push a knife through the drumheads.

I wouldn't spend a day in a band if it would be like that.
I'm genuinely a nice person, and can handle a lot of shit thrown at me, I don't take every little thing like that up the butt. I'd MUCH rather bring justice and settle things this way and having a good laugh with your bandmates. Part of being in a band is playing pranks, and creating stupid funny memories like this. I find its much healthier than getting angry. Don't jump in the fire if you're afraid of a little heat. :rolleyes:
Part of being in a band is playing pranks, and creating stupid funny memories like this. I find its much healthier than getting angry. Don't jump in the fire if you're afraid of a little heat. :rolleyes:

I see. Well, it's good if you can see it that way. :kickass: